The Arabian Nights Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Arabian Nights Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon meeting the angel, the hermit does what?
(a) Sends it away.
(b) Takes it as a pet.
(c) Ignores it.
(d) Makes it his slave.

2. Where does the ruined man who became rich again fall asleep after his travels?
(a) In his sister's house.
(b) In a temple.
(c) By a river.
(d) In a mosque.

3. In the story of Hatim of the Tribe of Tayy, why did the King of Himyar camp near Hatim's tomb?
(a) To watch Hatim rise.
(b) To hear the wailing.
(c) To guard it.
(d) To see the angels appear there.

4. What is sent to the hermit after the angel?
(a) A priest.
(b) A rich man.
(c) A wife.
(d) A servant.

5. What do the two kings, Sharyar and his brother, Shah Zaman, vow?
(a) Never to trust women again.
(b) To find new wives.
(c) To tell the story of 'The Bull and the Ass' every day.
(d) Not to ask the Jinni for favors.

6. In The Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman, what does Kamar chase for ten days?
(a) A jinni.
(b) A bird.
(c) An ifrita.
(d) An antelope.

7. For how long does Ghanim live in Baghdad?
(a) Three years.
(b) One year.
(c) Three months.
(d) Six months.

8. Where does the hermit live?
(a) In a cave.
(b) On a mountain.
(c) In the desert.
(d) In the backwaters.

9. When the three slaves met by Ghanim Bin Ayyub enter the courtyard, what DON'T they have?
(a) A basket full of mortar.
(b) A chest.
(c) A lantern.
(d) A jeweled mirror.

10. Where does the Ensorcelled Prince's wicked wife build the tomb for the crippled slave?
(a) In the desert.
(b) In a cave.
(c) Under a cupola.
(d) On top of a mountain.

11. What does the lion cub demand of the carpenter?
(a) To build him a box.
(b) To kill the duck.
(c) To take him along.
(d) To build him a bridge.

12. According to the duck, the lion cub received what it had asked for; but how did it die?
(a) The holy man stabbed it.
(b) The carpenter burned it to death.
(c) The lynx attacked it.
(d) It drowned.

13. The hermit is tested by being sent an angel in the form of a what?
(a) Bird.
(b) Woman.
(c) Child.
(d) Fairy.

14. How does the man who stole the gold bowl repay the formerly wealthy man?
(a) By bringing him a slave.
(b) By blessing him.
(c) By giving him money.
(d) He is not able to.

15. In The Tale of Kamar al-Zaman, what do Maymunah and Dahnash bet over before going to Kamar?
(a) Who is the most beautiful- prince or princess?
(b) Who is going to marry Kamar?
(c) Who can find the golden necklace for the prince?
(d) Who can find Kamar first?

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the King of Himyar's servants do for him in the evening after his dream about Hatim?

2. What was Ma'an doing when he became separated from the rest of his company?

3. In The Tale of the Three Apples, what did the woman's husband bring her when she was ill?

4. What does the Emir do after meeting the nomad and returning home?

5. At the end of the story of The Three Apples, what tale does Ja'afar refer to?

(see the answer keys)

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