2002 Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land Test | Final Test - Easy

David K. Shipler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2002 Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land Test | Final Test - Easy

David K. Shipler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the 2002 Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Israel keeps no statistics on ____________, according to Shipler's findings.
(a) Land ownership.
(b) Intermarriages.
(c) Marriage.
(d) Births.

2. Shipler describes the prison camp as a squalid _______, stinking of sewage and garbage.
(a) Sore.
(b) Hospital.
(c) Ditch.
(d) Place.

3. Shipler says that a powerful fear of the alleged sexual __________ of Arab men is intermixed with all of the other stereotypes Jews hold.
(a) Impotence.
(b) Infertility.
(c) Domination.
(d) Prowess.

4. By _________, however, students are feeling angry and personally betrayed.
(a) 2001.
(b) 1993.
(c) 1990.
(d) 1984.

5. The small fires which are lit help to ________ and to delimit the vast expanses of land.
(a) Focus.
(b) Break up.
(c) Narrow.
(d) Confuse.

6. Prime Minister Begin says the __________ is intent on a second genocide against the Jewish people.
(a) Jewish leadership.
(b) Arabic wandering society.
(c) United Nations.
(d) PLO.

7. Religious opposition to ___________ is fused with the Western theme of scheming to control international banking, politics, and news.
(a) Holidays.
(b) Usury.
(c) Preaching.
(d) Converting.

8. ___________ guards at the camp range from brutal to humane, depending on the individual.
(a) African.
(b) Arabic.
(c) European.
(d) Israeli.

9. Because the tribesmen have no quarrel with the ____________, they are treated kindly, remarkably generously in the opinion of many of the Bedouin.
(a) Arabs.
(b) Women.
(c) Children.
(d) Jews.

10. Palestinians assume that their schools, jobs, villages, and refugee camps are filled with _____________.
(a) Informants.
(b) Soldiers.
(c) Jews.
(d) Possibilities.

11. Jews were rarely oppressed or exterminated by Muslims as they were by _____________.
(a) Other Jews.
(b) Christians.
(c) Wanderers.
(d) Atheists.

12. Some ____________ oppose any vote for Israeli-Arabs since they are exempt from military service.
(a) Jews.
(b) Women.
(c) Non-Israeli Arabs.
(d) Governments.

13. On the first day, the students are told to do nothing but pass each other and _________________.
(a) Smile.
(b) Greet each other.
(c) Touch hands.
(d) Make eye contact.

14. How long is the encounter for the teens who stay together at Neve Shalom?
(a) A week.
(b) A year.
(c) Four days.
(d) A month.

15. Shipler continues to find both groups of students hopefully ______________, trying to change their ways of thinking.
(a) Civil.
(b) Skeptical.
(c) Peaceful.
(d) Resilient.

Short Answer Questions

1. ____________ by non-Israeli Arabs sharpened the government's security concerns.

2. Ancient Greeks and modern Europeans both sought to assimilate the ___________.

3. The young girl says she would like to learn how to __________, but she is too old for coeducational learning.

4. What do Jewish children respond happened at school on days when soldiers burst into their classroom?

5. Zohar says that if his parents had not remained in Israel, he would have become a ___________ in the refugee camps.

(see the answer keys)

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