2002 Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land Test | Final Test - Easy

David K. Shipler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2002 Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land Test | Final Test - Easy

David K. Shipler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the 2002 Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sexual experimentation with ____________ is attractive to Muslim males because of how their beliefs are structured.
(a) Muslim girls.
(b) Older women.
(c) Jewish girls.
(d) Each other.

2. "A __________ girl doesn't have to wait for an opportunity to move next door," said one Arab woman.
(a) Loose.
(b) Smart.
(c) Jewish.
(d) Peaceful.

3. Prime Minister Begin says the __________ is intent on a second genocide against the Jewish people.
(a) PLO.
(b) Arabic wandering society.
(c) United Nations.
(d) Jewish leadership.

4. _________ is the name of a prison camp constructed in southern Lebanon.
(a) Phiillt.
(b) Ansar.
(c) Tugoht.
(d) Anwar.

5. The Proclamation of Independence called for ________ inhabitants to preserve the peace and to build the new state as equals.
(a) Male.
(b) Arab.
(c) All.
(d) Jewish.

6. Ancient Greeks and modern Europeans both sought to assimilate the ___________.
(a) Jew.
(b) Christians.
(c) Muslims.
(d) Arab.

7. The newborn state of __________ in 1948 pledged to uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens.
(a) Saudi Arabia.
(b) Israel.
(c) Nazareth.
(d) Jerusalem.

8. Muslim females are not allowed to have _______________ even in their own faith.
(a) Boyfriends.
(b) Unarranged marriages.
(c) Touching.
(d) Premarital intimacy.

9. The first image of fire is a small campfire that ____________ light as soon as they stop in a given place.
(a) Men.
(b) Foreigners.
(c) Nomads.
(d) Israelis.

10. Shipler continues to find both groups of students hopefully ______________, trying to change their ways of thinking.
(a) Resilient.
(b) Peaceful.
(c) Skeptical.
(d) Civil.

11. The blood _______ which holds that Jews mix the blood of innocent Christian children into the dough for the Passover matzo.
(a) Decree.
(b) Libel.
(c) Myth.
(d) Book.

12. A witty Palestinian claimed he was a victim of ___________ when targeted by anti-Arab bigotry.
(a) Rage.
(b) Repression.
(c) Anti-Semitism.
(d) Politics.

13. Shipler says that a powerful fear of the alleged sexual __________ of Arab men is intermixed with all of the other stereotypes Jews hold.
(a) Prowess.
(b) Infertility.
(c) Domination.
(d) Impotence.

14. Neve Shalom was conceived in 1970 as an ___________ community.
(a) Interfaith.
(b) Integrated.
(c) Intrusive.
(d) Intelligent.

15. Intermarriages are illegal and must be conducted _______________.
(a) In a mosque.
(b) In a basement.
(c) In a temple.
(d) Outside the country.

Short Answer Questions

1. Small __________ grants were what kept Neve Shalom in business over the years.

2. What is the name of the Palestinian girl who found connections with a group of Jewish girls, only to disconnect from them after the sieges of Ramallah?

3. In May of 2001, Shipler asks students who they think the victims are in the conflicts. What do they all answer?

4. ___________ seems to grip the imaginations of Muslim students, according to Shipler.

5. Some ____________ oppose any vote for Israeli-Arabs since they are exempt from military service.

(see the answer keys)

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