Appointment in Samarra Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Appointment in Samarra Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the mood between Julian and Caroline?
(a) Depressed
(b) Combative
(c) Solemn
(d) Happy

2. On what condition does Julian agree to visit Harry?
(a) If Caroline is in bed waiting for him when he gets home
(b) If Caroline will go along with him
(c) If Caroline will make his favorite dinner
(d) If Caroline will stop nagging him

3. What topic does Caroline talk about on the way home?
(a) The bracelet from Julian
(b) The gifts from his parents
(c) Tomorrow's party
(d) The situation with Harry

4. What do Al and Foxie want to remind Helene?
(a) She needs to stop drinking
(b) She should behave like a lady
(c) She belongs to Ed
(d) She is behind on her rent

5. Julian says he will make the repair _______________________.
(a) While he is still sober
(b) Instead of calling for help
(c) While it is still light out
(d) Because he has the tools

6. What happens when Julian arrives at Harry's home?
(a) He and Harry hit each other
(b) He and Harry shake hands
(c) He and Harry get into a verbal battle
(d) Harry refuses to see him

7. What topic does Julian talk about?
(a) The dealership
(b) New Year's Eve
(c) Children
(d) Lute's promotion

8. What is Al doing at the Stage Coach Inn?
(a) Keeping the beer cold
(b) Arranging a New Year's Eve party
(c) Keeping an eye on Helene
(d) Dancing with all the pretty women

9. Who else is hosting a party at the club tonight?
(a) Lute and Irma Fliegler
(b) Harry Reilly's sister
(c) Julian's parents
(d) Ed Charney

10. What does Julian tell Lute?
(a) He should mind his own business
(b) He is fired
(c) He did not have sex with Helene
(d) He has cancer

11. What does Al learn when he arrives?
(a) Helene has left with another guy
(b) Ed is coming later
(c) Helene is sick
(d) Helene is already drunk

12. Lute does not drink too much or __________________.
(a) Cheat on his wife
(b) Go to church
(c) Use prostitutes
(d) Spend too much money

13. What is both a benefit and a drawback for Ed as it relates to Helene's behavior?
(a) Money
(b) Alcohol
(c) Travel
(d) Secrecy

14. How old was Caroline when she fell in love with Julian?
(a) 13
(b) 21
(c) 18
(d) 27

15. Caroline mentions a woman who ruined her ___________ by having children.
(a) Figure
(b) Sex life
(c) Teeth
(d) Mood

Short Answer Questions

1. At what time do Julian and Caroline leave Julian's parents' home?

2. Who manages the Stage Coach Inn?

3. Who is Julian supposed to meet at the office?

4. What happened to Caroline's first love?

5. What does Julian leave with the maid before leaving for work?

(see the answer keys)

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