Appointment in Samarra Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Appointment in Samarra Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How could the late-1920s be characterized for Gibbsville?
(a) High prosperity
(b) Not a boom time
(c) High growth
(d) Depression

2. Who frequents this room?
(a) Business owners
(b) Democrats
(c) Inner circle of club members
(d) Republicans

3. Where do Julian and Caroline go today?
(a) Julian's parents' home
(b) The movies
(c) A book club meeting
(d) Church

4. Who is Al Grecco's boss?
(a) Ross Campbell
(b) Ed Charney
(c) Julian English
(d) Lute Fliegler

5. Where does Lute tease Irma that other women may want to take him?
(a) To the barn
(b) Downtown
(c) Outside
(d) To the terrace

6. Why does Ed like to have Al stationed at the Apollo Hotel?
(a) To get hookers
(b) To receive messages
(c) To make phone calls
(d) To make liquor deals

7. What does Al observe about the driver in the car ahead of him?
(a) The driver is just a kid
(b) The driver is wearing sunglasses
(c) The driver is drunk
(d) The driver is wearing a tophat

8. What is the name of the wife mentioned in #1?
(a) Irma
(b) Caroline
(c) Edna
(d) Joyce

9. Why does Caroline say that Julian's friends will not be able to stand behind him?
(a) Most of them owe Harry money
(b) They are idiots
(c) They are fickle
(d) They are spineless

10. In what year does this story currently take place?
(a) 1930
(b) 1899
(c) 1925
(d) 1913

11. What does Al order for lunch at the Apollo?
(a) Burger and fries
(b) Ham dinner
(c) Meat loaf dinner
(d) Turkey dinner

12. Gibbsville is a stronghold of ______________________.
(a) Democrats
(b) Republicans
(c) Education
(d) Union labor

13. Who is the only person Julian wants to see today?
(a) Caroline
(b) Lute
(c) Ed
(d) Irma

14. After the strike it was too much trouble to ____________________.
(a) Re-open the mines
(b) Ship the coal
(c) Find new jobs
(d) Switch back to coal

15. What does Caroline ask Julian to do with the gift?
(a) Have it altered
(b) Return it
(c) Have it engraved
(d) Have the title put in her name

Short Answer Questions

1. In what room are the characters sitting?

2. What does Lute want to take to the party?

3. What is William English's political party affiliation?

4. What does Julian's mother scold him for?

5. What does Lute ask Irma if he has to wear?

(see the answer keys)

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