Ape and Essence Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ape and Essence Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What relationship does the Arch Vicar urge for Dr. Poole with respect to the church?
(a) The Arch Vicar thinks Dr. Poole is not enlightened enough to understand the church.
(b) The Arch Vicar encourages Dr. Poole to become a full member.
(c) The Arch Vicar wishes to expel Dr. Poole from the church because of his lustful ways.
(d) The Arch Vicar thinks Dr. Poole would be a bad influence on the church.

2. How can Dr. Poole's emotions at seeing the mating rituals be best described?
(a) Nauseated.
(b) Proud.
(c) Excited, yet revolted.
(d) Scientifically curious.

3. According to Dr. Poole, what happens when "evil is carried to the limit"?
(a) It destroys itself.
(b) It destroys mankind.
(c) It is always counteracted by great good.
(d) It becomes good.

4. As Dr. Poole and Loola have sex, what is the Arch Vicar doing?
(a) Addressing the congregation.
(b) Watching them proudly from the shadows.
(c) Giving last rites to the latest deformed babies.
(d) Reading in his seminary.

5. Whose tombstone do Dr. Poole and Loola discover in the desert?
(a) An unknown soldier.
(b) William Tallis.
(c) Jefferson Thorpe.
(d) Belial.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the Arch Vicar, how do Men destroy themselves?

2. Which church member whips the mothers after the babies are sacrificed?

3. What does the Arch Vicar believe about Belial's relationship to the atomic bomb?

4. In the Arch Vicar's religion, how is procreation regulated?

5. With respect to the strange behavior of the primitives, Dr. Poole experiences a change from which state to which state?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the Arch Vicar's theory of history? What does this have to do with the "Order of Things"?

2. What happens to young boys who show early signs of sexual aggression in the primitive community?

3. How does the poetry of Percy Shelley contribute to the development of romance between Dr. Poole and Loola?

4. According to the Arch Vicar, did Belial need the atomic bomb to assure the destruction of mankind?

5. Describe the moment in which Dr. Poole and Loola discover romantic feelings for one another, rather than lust.

6. What became of the Canterbury and its crew, ultimately?

7. What difference does the narrator make between conscience and customs?

8. Why does Loola feel that Dr. Poole is different from other men she has known?

9. How does the Arch Vicar defend his religion's practices with respect to Dr. Poole's own religion?

10. Describe what occurs immediately preceding Dr. Poole's faint at the Purification Ceremonies.

(see the answer keys)

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