Ape and Essence Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ape and Essence Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Coulton believe about how the narrator and William Tallis might have gotten along?
(a) They would not have liked one another.
(b) Their political differences would have proved too much for even a casual acquaintance.
(c) They would have gotten along splendidly.
(d) They would have been indifferent to one another.

2. The novel begins on what important day?
(a) The day Gandhi was assassinated.
(b) The day World War II formally ended.
(c) The day John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
(d) The day the U.S. stock market crashed.

3. How do the primitives mark women who have not produced a healthy baby during the season?
(a) By shaving their heads.
(b) By making them wear distinct earrings.
(c) By tattooing them on the shoulders.
(d) By writing "NO" on their clothing.

4. Which of the following is true about the scientists' rediscovery of the world?
(a) Oil derricks can still be seen in the water outside of shore.
(b) The world is still highly radioactive, and the scientists must wear suits.
(c) They crash-land because of a dense fog.
(d) They use sonar technology to find land.

5. What does Dr. Poole tell Chief about why New Zealand was spared in the World War?
(a) Dr. Poole lies and states that most of New Zealand was destroyed.
(b) Dr. Poole refuses to admit he is from New Zealand.
(c) Its citizens created a magical forcefield.
(d) The country was deemed to not be of strategic value.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did William Tallis write "Ape and Essence"?

2. When Bob Briggs speaks about his personal history, how does the narrator react?

3. Why was a gravedigger subjected to a punishment of twenty-five lashes?

4. The narrator compares the beauty of the first image on screen in "Ape and Essence" to a poem by which poet?

5. William Tallis is from ____________.

Short Essay Questions

1. List the allusions/references found in this section of the text.

2. What background information is the narrator able to learn about William Tallis?

3. What point does the script narrator make about baboons and knowledge?

4. What about Dr. Poole's presence is surprising to Chief?

5. Why are the gravediggers robbing graves?

6. What are the specifics of Bob Briggs' personal troubles at the outset of the novel?

7. What is Bob Briggs appraisal of Gandhi?

8. List the allusions/references found in this section of the text.

9. What are the Purification Ceremonies?

10. Why does the Chief order his gravediggers to bury Dr. Poole?

(see the answer keys)

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