Ape and Essence Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ape and Essence Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the result of Dr. Poole and Loola's discussion in a car garage toward the end of the novel?
(a) They agree to stay in the primitive community, but try to change its laws and customs.
(b) They agree Dr. Poole must flee north, but Loola must stay.
(c) They agree they must stay, but they make plans to shepherd their child to the Hots community.
(d) They agree to run away together.

2. What injures Miss Ethel Hook when she goes to look for Dr. Poole?
(a) Gamma radiation.
(b) A poisonous snake.
(c) An arrow shot by a primitive.
(d) Malnutrition.

3. According to the Arch Vicar, what makes men into cowards, saints, and humans?
(a) War.
(b) Love.
(c) Technology.
(d) Conscience.

4. What religion is Dr. Poole?
(a) Hindu.
(b) Jewish.
(c) Atheist.
(d) Christian.

5. What does the Arch Vicar blame for famine and war?
(a) A failure to understand history.
(b) Overpopulation.
(c) Greed.
(d) Drug use.

6. Which, according to the script's narrator, is not one of the "fruits of the ape-mind"?
(a) Hate.
(b) Misery.
(c) Joy.
(d) Restlessness.

7. When Dr. Poole and Loola stop for a night after their escape, they are thirty miles outside of what town?
(a) Phoenix.
(b) Lancaster.
(c) Las Vegas.
(d) San Diego.

8. In the Arch Vicar's religion, how is procreation regulated?
(a) Women are artificially inseminated.
(b) There are no restrictions on procreation.
(c) Only the most athletically gifted are allowed to mate.
(d) Couples are only allowed to mate during a two-week interval.

9. The Hots community has what relationship to the government of the primitives?
(a) The Hots benefit financially from following governmental orders.
(b) The Hots cower in front of the government and will honor any request.
(c) The Hots are secretly led by the government, and so secretly follow its orders.
(d) The Hots community does not honor any government edicts or demands.

10. What is the Arch Vicar's perspective on sexual intercourse?
(a) It is healthy.
(b) He feels no emotion from sexual intercourse.
(c) It is revolting.
(d) Without it, he would have no reason to go on living.

11. According to Dr. Poole, what happens when "evil is carried to the limit"?
(a) It destroys itself.
(b) It becomes good.
(c) It is always counteracted by great good.
(d) It destroys mankind.

12. What does Flossie think about Loola's relationship with Dr. Poole?
(a) Flossie encourages the relationship, as it may produce a healthy infant.
(b) Loola should stay away from Dr. Poole because he is possibly contagious with Belial's spirit.
(c) Loola should stay away from Dr. Poole, given his romantic lust.
(d) Flossie feels Loola and Dr. Poole should elope.

13. Where are the babies sacrificed to appease the Devil?
(a) The Los Angeles Coliseum.
(b) An abandoned warehouse.
(c) The San Diego Zoo.
(d) The corner of Sunset and Vine.

14. When Loola is assigned to her new job, at which location does she work?
(a) Silver Ore Mine.
(b) The Los Angeles Coliseum.
(c) Hollywood cemetery.
(d) The lab of the Director of Food Production.

15. What does the Arch Vicar tell Dr. Poole about his scientist friends?
(a) They are all dead from gamma radiation.
(b) They are coming for him now, and he must make a choice as to where to go.
(c) They were malnourished and fell to a pack of wolves.
(d) They were wounded trying to find him, and there will be no rescue.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which church member whips the mothers after the babies are sacrificed?

2. What will happen to the deformation rate of babies in fifty years, according to the Arch Vicar?

3. How long does Dr. Poole feel proper food production will take in the primitive community?

4. In which garage does Dr. Poole meet with Loola in a car to have a discussion about the nature of evil?

5. What does the congregation chant as the babies are sacrificed?

(see the answer keys)

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