Ape and Essence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ape and Essence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Loola feel about the beating of the young woman at the hands of the primitives' religious leader?
(a) She is indifferent, having seen the ritual dozens of times.
(b) She feels it is unjust and horrific.
(c) She feels it is necessary to maintain proper discipline.
(d) She feels it is all in good fun.

2. On which deity do the primitives blame their problems?
(a) Beelzebub.
(b) Satan.
(c) Peter.
(d) Belial.

3. Who orders Dr. Poole to be buried up to his waist by the gravediggers?
(a) Miss Ethel Hook.
(b) Flossie.
(c) Loola.
(d) Chief.

4. What is Rosie's career aspiration?
(a) Singer and actress.
(b) Producer.
(c) Writer.
(d) Painter.

5. What became of William Tallis' second wife?
(a) She was persecuted for being Jewish and was killed.
(b) She died from cancer.
(c) She ran off with another man.
(d) She committed suicide after Mr. Tallis died.

6. When Bob Briggs speaks about his personal history, how does the narrator react?
(a) The narrator is bored.
(b) The narrator is disgusted and leaves the room.
(c) The narrator is intrigued.
(d) The narrator is infuriated and punches Briggs.

7. Bob fears Elaine is cheating on him with which man?
(a) Lou Lublin.
(b) The narrator.
(c) A Moldavian baron.
(d) William Tallis.

8. The lobby of the Cocktail Bar is filled with which group of people?
(a) Religious leaders and the chorus of youths.
(b) Women and their deformed babies.
(c) Men and their healthy babies.
(d) Gravediggers and criminals.

9. What promise does Bob make to Rosie?
(a) Bob agrees to read her feature screenplay.
(b) Bob agrees to schedule a screen test for her.
(c) Bob agrees to introduce her to a powerful music executive.
(d) Bob agrees to never visit Cottonwood Ranch again.

10. Why are the primitives unable to make clothes?
(a) Cotton has changed since the radioactivity of the World War.
(b) There is no machinery left to make clothes.
(c) They are religiously opposed to clothing.
(d) Only the Chief is allowed to wear clothes.

11. What is the name for the team of scientists at the heart of Ape and Essence?
(a) The Association for New Horizons.
(b) The Post-War Analysis Committee.
(c) The California Knowledge Project.
(d) The New Zealand Rediscovery Expedition.

12. William Tallis died from ___________.
(a) A hit-and-run car accident.
(b) A heart attack.
(c) Cancer of the throat.
(d) A botched surgery.

13. Why did William Tallis write "Ape and Essence"?
(a) He wanted to earn money to send to his granddaughter.
(b) He wanted to warn people about the fluoride put in the nation's water supply.
(c) He wanted to became a world-famous film director.
(d) He wrote the script on a bet with a friend.

14. What is the name of Loola's friend who recently gave birth to a deformed baby?
(a) Flossie.
(b) Ethel.
(c) Emily.
(d) Polly.

15. What derogatory name do primitive men call the primitive women who bear deformed babies?
(a) Vessel of the Unholy Spirit.
(b) Mistress of Belial.
(c) Satan's Spawn.
(d) Tool of the Devil.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of primate represents the "least among man," according to the narrator?

2. Which book does Dr. Poole save from the book burning ordered by the Chief?

3. What is the name of Bob Briggs' wife?

4. Why is Bob Briggs in financial trouble?

5. On which street corner does Chief order books to be incinerated?

(see the answer keys)

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