Antony and Cleopatra Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Antony and Cleopatra Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the "Tiber" to which Antony refers at the beginning of the play?
(a) A river.
(b) The underworld.
(c) A region.
(d) A mountain range.

2. Who does Antony report has made new wars against Pompey?
(a) Lepidus.
(b) Cleopatra.
(c) Enobarbus.
(d) Caesar.

3. Where does Antony, through Euphornius, request to live if Egypt is denied to him by Caesar?
(a) Corinth.
(b) Syria.
(c) Athens.
(d) Rhodes.

4. What is the status of the man Antony sends as an ambassador to Caesar after Actium?
(a) A schoolmaster.
(b) A provincial governor.
(c) A herald.
(d) A king.

5. To whom does Enobarbus speak in the first part of Act 3, Scene 2?
(a) Antony.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Agrippa.
(d) Lepidus.

6. What effect does Antony's odd trick in speaking to his servants produce on the servants?
(a) They weep.
(b) They quail.
(c) They flee.
(d) They laugh.

7. Where does Caesar say that Pompey resides in Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) Florence.
(b) Misenum.
(c) Messina.
(d) Sicily.

8. Who does Antony say is approaching the ports of Rome in the play's first act?
(a) Caesar.
(b) Octavius.
(c) Lepidus.
(d) Sextus Pompeius.

9. According to Canidius, where did Caesar fight Pompey?
(a) Macedonia.
(b) The Alps.
(c) Sardinia.
(d) Pharsalia.

10. What does Cleopatra imagine Antony calls her at the end of the first act?
(a) "A blot on my conscience."
(b) "My serpent of 'old Nile'."
(c) "My gem of Egypt."
(d) "The deadly basilisk."

11. What is Cleopatra's initial fear when a messenger arrives from Italy in Act 2, Scene 5?
(a) Antony's ailing.
(b) Pompey's victory.
(c) Antony's marriage.
(d) Antony's death.

12. Towards where do the ships of the defeated flee?
(a) Alexandria.
(b) Peloponnesus.
(c) Rome.
(d) Sicily.

13. How many days does Lepidus say Mecaenas and Agrippa will gain on him?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Twelve.

14. Pompey relates to Mark Antony the coming of whom to Sicily?
(a) Lucius.
(b) Mark Antony's father.
(c) Fulvia.
(d) Mark Antony's mother.

15. With what does Caesar reward his army in the beginning of Act 4?
(a) Gold.
(b) Land.
(c) A feast.
(d) Honor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who brings news to Pompey that Mark Antony is returning to Rome?

2. What does Antony's betrothed say she shall do when Antony is about the world?

3. Whom does Caesar send to win Cleopatra from Antony?

4. For what reason does Caesar claim he arrested Lepidus?

5. Whose flight has given example to the rest of the men on the losing side?

(see the answer keys)

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