Antigone Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Antigone Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ismene tells Antigone that she should __________ Polynices like Polynices ____________ them.
(a) Bond with; bonded with.
(b) Forget; forgot.
(c) Watch; watched.
(d) Love; loved.

2. What is Antigone's nickname for the Nurse?
(a) She doesn't have one.
(b) Her "sweet red apple."
(c) Her "dearest, darling Nurse."
(d) Her "second mother."

3. What is the name of Antigone's dog?
(a) Huff.
(b) Fluff.
(c) Puff.
(d) Tuft.

4. What does Antigone do when she is confronted in Part 2?
(a) Hints that the person who confonted her is correct.
(b) Falls to the floor weeping.
(c) Openly admits where she was.
(d) Denies all accusations.

5. What did Antigone say that she wanted Haemon to do when she visited him the previous evening?
(a) Swear his undying love.
(b) Give her a ring.
(c) Make love to her.
(d) Take her to dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Haemon related to Antigone?

2. What does Ismene try to do when Antigone wants to discuss her plan in Part 2?

3. In Part 2, what does Antigone say that she is not?

4. What does Antigone make Haemon promise in Part 3?

5. Why isn't the boy alone on the side of the stage laughing and talking with the other characters?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is ironic about Ismene's plea to Antigone to give up her plan to bury Polynices?

2. In Part 2, Antigone is firm in her decision to bury Polynices. Despite Ismene's valid arguments against Antigone's proposed actions, Antigone has no plans to veer from her course. Describe one of Antigone's driving forces for her plan in this section of the play.

3. What does Creon represent in Part 4?

4. Ismene uses several arguments in an effort to convince Antigone that her plan to bury Polynices is foolhardy. Choose one of those arguments and describe why the argument might work or why it might not.

5. After learning of Haemon's suicide, Creon's wife takes her life. What does Creon say about those who have died?

6. In Part 5, Creon accuses Antigone of being just like her father, playing out destiny's designs and being melodramatic about everything. What does he suggest Antigone do instead?

7. Prophecy is a large part of the story of Oedipus, his children, and the city of Thebes. A complicated and convoluted story, Oedipus's fate, and hence that of his children and Thebes, was foretold long before his birth and began with Oedipus's father, Laius's, evil act of kidnapping and murdering his friend's young son. In Part 2, the reader begins to get a feel for the inevitability of this curse and its after effects on the city of Thebes. What are Antigone's feelings about this curse as shown in Part 2?

8. What is the purpose of the Chorus in Part 1?

9. Discuss Creon and Antigone's divergent thoughts on the importance of the rite of burial in Part 5.

10. Explain the convoluted path to the throne from Oedipus to Creon. Detail the characters and the way they became king.

(see the answer keys)

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