Antigone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Antigone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 6, what does the Chorus try to convince Creon to do?
(a) Abdicate the crown.
(b) Let Antigone live.
(c) Let Antigone off with a warning.
(d) Put Antigone to death immediately

2. In Part 6, with whom is Antigone left alone?
(a) Ismene.
(b) Jonas.
(c) Haemon.
(d) The Nurse.

3. In Part 4, what does Creon say will happen to Jonas if he keeps quiet?
(a) He will live.
(b) He will be reassigned, but his fellow guards will be executed.
(c) He will keep his job.
(d) He will be forgiven.

4. In Part 4, what does the heat of the sun do?
(a) Makes Jonas dizzy.
(b) Forces the guards to seek shelter.
(c) Makes the guards sweat and complain.
(d) Cause the body to smell and make Jonas dizzy.

5. How do the guards and Jonas bring Antigone in?
(a) They drag her.
(b) They carry her.
(c) They walk her.
(d) They shove her.

6. In Part 4, what does Creon intend to do to the guards after the discovery that Polynices's body has been disturbed?
(a) Have them executed on the spot.
(b) Fire them.
(c) Change their assignment.
(d) Punish them.

7. How does Antigone try to convince the guards to let her go?
(a) By begging.
(b) By using her rank as princess.
(c) By saying that the guards misunderstood her actions.
(d) By screaming and crying.

8. Antigone asks how she will be executed. What is the answer?
(a) Hung.
(b) Buried alive.
(c) Drawn and quartered.
(d) Stoned.

9. In Part 4, the Chorus says there are four aspects of a tragedy. What is one of those aspects?
(a) Mind numbing yet joyous.
(b) Restful because there is no hope.
(c) Fearful.
(d) Sad and disingenuous.

10. Antigone tells Creon that she knew all along Creon would do what in Part 5?
(a) Make her angry.
(b) Be a father figure toward her.
(c) Cause her and Haemon to break up.
(d) Kill her.

11. In Part 5, when Creon explains his reasoning behind his actions, of what does Antigone accuse him?
(a) Being heartless.
(b) Being afraid to do his duty.
(c) Being a dictator.
(d) Being a puppet to the people of Thebes.

12. When Antigone is brought in by the guards, what does she call herself in Part 4?
(a) A daughter of Oedipus.
(b) A dictator.
(c) A seeker of truth.
(d) A seeker of justice.

13. When Haemon approaches his father in Part 6, what does Creon do?
(a) Tells him to talk to Antigone.
(b) Tells him that he will one day be king.
(c) Tells him to forget Antigone.
(d) Tells him to marry Ismene instead.

14. What does Jonas say in response to Creon's accusations in Part 4?
(a) He blames everything on the other guards.
(b) He tells Creon that he is not guilty of deserting his post.
(c) He cowers in terror, saying nothing.
(d) He reminds Creon of his good record.

15. In Part 5, what is the first thing that Creon asks Antigone?
(a) Why she did what she did.
(b) If anyone else knew what she was doing.
(c) If she is crazy.
(d) If she was willing to apologize for what she did.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Jonas doing when he discovered Antigone covering Polynices's body?

2. In Part 4, the Chorus says there are four aspects of a tragedy. What is one of those aspects?

3. In Part 6, the Chorus tells Creon that Haemon has been what?

4. In Part 5, what does Creon say about the ritual of burial?

5. What does the Chorus remind Creon about Antigone in Part 6?

(see the answer keys)

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