Antigone Test | Final Test - Hard

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Antigone Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Haemon insists that all men can learn from any who can ____________, when talking to his father.

2. Creon is told by ______________ that trees and ships yield to the destructive nature of floods.

3. What is Choragos no longer able to distance himself from when Antigone arrives in the room?

4. Creon believes that Antigone deserves nothing more than to find a husband in __________ after what she has done.

5. Who is the Greek goddess of love and of beauty, according to history and to the Chorus?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the prophet tell Creon when he enters the room, led by the boy into the court?

2. What does love have the power over, according to this ode in the play?

3. Why does Creon believe he will be seen as even more powerful than he is now?

4. What is Choragos' reaction when Antigone is brought before Creon at the start of this scene?

5. What happened in the tomb of Antigone after Creon buried Polyneices properly?

6. What does this ode praise within the story and within the story of mankind as a whole?

7. Why was King Lycurgus, Dyras' son, imprisoned in stone, according to the Chorus in this ode?

8. What does the Chorus elaborate on when it comes to love and its role in the relationship of Haemon and Creon?

9. What does the Messenger say about the grief that the queen must be feeling after the events which took place?

10. What does Antigone believe plagues her and all her family from the grave?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Fate seems to be a large character in and of itself, causing characters to do things and to not do things in accordance to it.

Part 1: Why do you think the characters in the play are not willing to do things to interfere with fate?

Part 2: Which character(s) seem most likely to ignore what might be considered to be fate? Why?

Part 3: Do you believe in the idea of fate? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 2

Women are certainly a central focus of this play and of its actions. There are many questions also brought up in regards to the position of women in society.

Part 1: What does the author seem to be saying about the position of women in society at the time?

Part 2: Why does Isemene seem to think that women should obey the laws of men?

Part 3: Would you consider Antigone to be a feminist? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Even though Antigone knows that she will be punished for her crimes, she admits her actions quickly and explains her intentions.

Part 1: Do you think that Antigone should have confessed for her crimes? Why or why not?

Part 2: How do you think others in the town feel about Antigone and the way she carried herself after being arrested?

Part 3: What do you think would have happened if Antigone had lied to Creon?

(see the answer keys)

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