Antigone Test | Final Test - Medium

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Antigone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Haemon points out to his father that the citizens of the city do not see Antigone as a ______________.
(a) Goddess
(b) Leader
(c) Criminal
(d) Hero

2. Even though Creon believes himself to be right, he will not fight _____________.
(a) Haemon
(b) Destiny
(c) The prophet
(d) Choragos

3. Who was with Antigone in the tomb when Creon showed up to let her go?
(a) Eurydice
(b) Ismene
(c) Haemon
(d) The prophet

4. Once offended, the Chorus states, gods and goddesses are without ____________ for the offending party.
(a) Repercussions
(b) Power
(c) Mercy
(d) Justice

5. Antigone compares her emotional state to that of the former queen of Thebes, _____________.
(a) Hecate
(b) Aphrodite
(c) Hera
(d) Niobe

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Antigone led to after she has been given her sentence by Creon, the King?

2. Who leads Teiresias into the court in order to see the King Creon and tell him some news during the play?

3. Creon believes there is no greater evil than _____________ for that is what destroys households and nations.

4. The prophet cautions Creon and the actions he has taken, saying that he is on the edge of __________.

5. Creon believes that Antigone would have been trouble for Haemon both in and out of _________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the other story of jealousy that the Chorus relates to the audience within this ode, regarding the king and his first wife?

2. What does the Messenger have to say about fate at the start of this scene of the play?

3. What does the Messenger say about the grief that the queen must be feeling after the events which took place?

4. What does the Chorus elaborate on when it comes to love and its role in the relationship of Haemon and Creon?

5. What does the Chorus lament in relation to Antigone's story and to the story of the princess?

6. What does this ode praise within the story and within the story of mankind as a whole?

7. What does Antigone believe plagues her and all her family from the grave?

8. When did Teiresias make an offering to the gods, he tells Creon, that was then refused?

9. What does love have the power over, according to this ode in the play?

10. What does the prophet tell Creon will happen if he goes through with his actions?

(see the answer keys)

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