Antigone Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Antigone Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Ode 2 (Second Stasimon).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose decree proclaims that the body of the fallen man is not to be buried by anyone under punishment of death?
(a) Choragos
(b) Haemon's
(c) Oedipus'
(d) Creon's

2. Eventually those who are evil will have to face truth and ______________ for their deeds.
(a) Punishment
(b) Justice
(c) Death
(d) Peace

3. Antigone reminds Ismene of family __________ when she tries to reason with her about her actions.
(a) Punishments
(b) Loyalty
(c) History
(d) Blood

4. What does Antigone throw back in Ismene's face when Ismene says she will be silent about the actions?
(a) Her cowardice
(b) Her incestuous relationship with her brother
(c) Her bloodline
(d) Her false promises

5. Creon is concerned about the people and their worries about having a ____________.
(a) New leader
(b) Public hanging
(c) Public stoning
(d) War

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ismene compliment Antigone on before she leaves her to herself and to her actions?

2. Man is held in _________ for his stamina and his spirit, no matter what other things he might do.

3. That _______, in turn, in brought low -- by the blood-stained dust die to the gods infernal.

4. What is the one force from which the Chorus notes that man is not immune?

5. Eteocles fought for Thebes and thus he will receive a ___________________ after his death.

(see the answer key)

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