Anthills of the Savannah Test | Final Test - Medium

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Anthills of the Savannah Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 16, where is Chris planning to travel?
(a) To the province of Abazon.
(b) To guerrilla camps in the mountains.
(c) To London.
(d) To the sea coast in the west, where he can catch a boat to America.

2. When stopped by a soldier for questioning, what does Chris tell the soldier his profession is?
(a) A taxi driver.
(b) A motor-parts salesman.
(c) A mechanic.
(d) A priest.

3. According to Ikem, what do all poor people seem to want from their leaders?
(a) They want handouts from their leaders.
(b) They want their leaders to be humble like them.
(c) They want their leaders to live in luxury.
(d) They want their leaders to leave them alone.

4. What is revealed about Elewa in Chapter 13?
(a) She is pregnant with Ikem's baby.
(b) She also participated in the plot to overthrow the President.
(c) She is actually a spy for the secret police.
(d) She wrote the letter incriminating Ikem.

5. According to Professor Okong, why has the President been upset with both Chris and Ikem for the past two years?
(a) He is still bitter about the way they gossiped about his English girlfriend.
(b) They have been leaking information about him to the foreign press.
(c) They did not help ensure his election as President for life.
(d) He thinks they have been working behind his back to have him overthrown.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Ikem Osodi?

2. What typically happens at police and army checkpoints?

3. Who is deported within forty-eight hours after Ikem's speech?

4. To what does Chris compare himself, Ikem, and the President?

5. What is Ikem's mood at the beginning of Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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