Anthills of the Savannah Test | Final Test - Medium

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Anthills of the Savannah Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many people are present to hear the speech?
(a) About 500.
(b) Over 2000.
(c) Only about 100.
(d) Over 5000.

2. What is Ikem's mood at the beginning of Chapter 11?
(a) He is exhausted.
(b) He is terrified.
(c) He is exhilarated.
(d) He is nervous, but hopeful.

3. In what has Ikem lost his faith?
(a) The art of journalism.
(b) The monarchy.
(c) Public affairs.
(d) Communism.

4. How does Chris die?
(a) An old man identifies him as the Commissioner for Information, and he is shot by police for the reward.
(b) He dies of a combination of shock and heatstroke after learning of the coup.
(c) He is shot while saving a girl from being raped by a police officer.
(d) He stumbles in the road and is hit by a bus.

5. Who is Emmanuel?
(a) The person who arranged for him to take a flight to London.
(b) A student union leader.
(c) A taxi driver.
(d) Chris's former government aide.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a main point of Ikem's speech?

2. What has Ikem done in the past with his writing, according to the visitors?

3. What does Elewa say about Ikem's car?

4. Where does Ikem go to make a speech in Chapter 12?

5. What is Ikem's opinion of worker leaders and students?

(see the answer keys)

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