Anthills of the Savannah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Anthills of the Savannah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the meaning of the phrase uwa-t'uwa, which Beatrice used to repeat to herself as a child?
(a) Woman born of woman.
(b) World within a world.
(c) World without end.
(d) A woman is a woman.

2. Where does Ikem meet with the delegation from Abazon in Chapter 9?
(a) At the Presidential Palace.
(b) At his offices in the National Gazette.
(c) At the hotel where they are staying.
(d) At his private home.

3. What is the meaning of the word nneka?
(a) Mother is supreme.
(b) Mother is weak.
(c) Mother of God.
(d) Mother is love.

4. Which American poet does Ikem quote when he says, "Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes"?
(a) Robert Frost.
(b) Walt Whitman.
(c) Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
(d) Graham Greene.

5. What does Chris say about Ikem's crusading editorials?
(a) He thinks they are brilliant, but dares not say so to the President.
(b) He thinks they are rubbish and that Osodi is completely out of his mind.
(c) They don't accomplish anything but antagonizing everyone.
(d) They will get Ikem killed.

6. Which best describes Chris's opinion of Okong?
(a) Okong is a brilliant journalist and literary artist, if not a good politician.
(b) Okong, though he may seem harmless, is a dangerous man.
(c) Okong, though a buffoon, is one of the few honest politicians in the government.
(d) Okong, though a buffoon, is politically astute and adept at propaganda.

7. How does Mad Medico address the President?
(a) Uncle John.
(b) By his given name, Sam.
(c) Your Excellency.
(d) Mister President.

8. What does Ikem think of the President, Sam?
(a) He is basically a good person who wants to do what is right.
(b) He is a brilliant man.
(c) He is a fool.
(d) He is a brutal and vicious dictator who must be overthrown.

9. What is the former career of Professor Okong, the Commissioner for Home Affairs?
(a) Army officer.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Baptist minister.
(d) Newspaper editor.

10. In the hymn composed by Ikem, who is found dead in the marketplace?
(a) A fortune teller.
(b) All the villagers.
(c) A prostitute.
(d) A madman.

11. What is the SRC?
(a) The committee in charge of propaganda.
(b) A team of reporters from abroad.
(c) The national military.
(d) The secret police.

12. In Chapter 4, the reader first learns the name of the fictional African country in which this novel is set. What is it?
(a) Bassa.
(b) Kangan.
(c) Kabisa.
(d) Abazon.

13. What natural disaster has occurred in Abazon province?
(a) A drought.
(b) A hurricane.
(c) A flood.
(d) An earthquake.

14. Why is Beatrice angry with Chris in Chapter 8?
(a) She thinks he meant for her to spy on the President.
(b) She thinks he meant for her to sleep with the President.
(c) She is angry that he did not attend the party with her.
(d) She thinks he cheated with another woman.

15. What is happening outside as the President holds a meeting with his cabinet?
(a) There is a terrible dust storm.
(b) Gunfire breaks out on the streets.
(c) There is a large demonstration.
(d) There is a violent hurricane.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which is most important in a great fight, according to the Abazon elder: the sounding of the battle drum, the fierce waging of the war itself, or the telling of the story afterwards?

2. What is Sam's great talent?

3. How do Chris Oriko and the President first meet?

4. What does Chris's girlfriend study at the university?

5. What does Ikem Osodi speak out against in his first crusading editorial?

(see the answer keys)

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