Antelope Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Antelope Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part III: Chapter 17, What are Klaus and Richard drinking?
(a) Wine.
(b) Listerine.
(c) Orange juice.
(d) Water from a drinking fountain.

2. In Part III: Chapter 16, what do the turtles represent for the babies?
(a) Good luck charms.
(b) Protection from evil spirits.
(c) Their first toy.
(d) Symbols of their heritage.

3. In Part IV: Chapter 20, how does Frank plan to surprise Rozin?
(a) By giving her jewelry.
(b) By throwing a surprise party.
(c) By cooking her a special dinner.
(d) By planning a night of solitude.

4. In Part II: Chapter 14, what is the role of the local Indian humans in relation to the man-monster-cat in the Ojibwe lakes?
(a) They hunt in the woods.
(b) They communicate with the waves.
(c) They feed the monster with tobacco.
(d) They protect the monster from boats.

5. In Part II: Chapter 14, what does the dog warn against eating?
(a) Shoes, plastic jugs, dry beans.
(b) Black beans.
(c) Plastic wrap.
(d) Socks.

6. In Part II: Chapter 15, how does Rozin try to bring her daughters back to consciousness?
(a) Singing and wiping their foreheads.
(b) Rubbing their chests and throats.
(c) Applying Vaseline to their lips.
(d) Feeding them teaspoons of ginger ale.

7. In Part III: Chapter 17, what do Klaus and Richard do with the empty bottle?
(a) They keep it for later use.
(b) They set it on the grass near the museum steps.
(c) They give it to a homeless person.
(d) They throw it away in a trash can.

8. In Part III: Chapter 18, where is Sweetheart Calico hiding?
(a) In Jimmy Badger's house.
(b) In Rozin's house.
(c) In the barn.
(d) In Klaus and Richard's sleeping bags.

9. In Part III: Chapter 17, what does Klaus do when he reaches the river?
(a) He jumps in for a swim.
(b) He collects water in a bottle.
(c) He washes his face.
(d) He drinks the water.

10. In Part III: Chapter 18, who is the letter addressed to that Rozin receives?
(a) Jimmy Badger.
(b) Sweetheart Calico.
(c) Klaus.
(d) Rozin.

11. In Part IV: Chapter 21, what do Cally and Deanna want to know from their grandmas?
(a) How to plan a berry feast.
(b) How to get their names.
(c) How to have a menstrual moon-lodge ceremony.
(d) How to make a birthday cake.

12. In Part II: Chapter 15, what color is the wiping cloth?
(a) White.
(b) Blue.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Red.

13. In Part III: Chapter 16, when the twins were born, what does the new assistant nurse have to deal with?
(a) Cally and Deanna.
(b) Grandma Noodin.
(c) Trash.
(d) Birth cords.

14. In Part III: Chapter 18, what does Grandma Noodin do when she sees Frank?
(a) Asks for money.
(b) Recognizes him.
(c) Asks for a free cake.
(d) Offers Frank a job.

15. In Part IV: Chapter 22, what is the purpose of the three dogcatchers sent to Minnesota?
(a) To assist with wildlife conservation efforts.
(b) To control a canine rabies outbreak.
(c) To participate in a dog-catching competition.
(d) To round up cats in the state.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part III: Chapter 16, why does Rozin refuse to give her daughters the names from the dreams?

2. In Part II: Chapter 15, what does the dog suggest the women are doing when they are beading?

3. In Part III: Chapter 16, what does Grandma Noodin ask the nurse about?

4. In Part IV: Chapter 21, how does Giizis get her name?

5. In Part II: Chapter 13, what does Rozin do while waiting for her daughters to return?

(see the answer keys)

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