Anowa Test | Final Test - Medium

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Anowa Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The ending provided by Aidoo, is a traditional literary form of expression, a _____________ tale.
(a) Idealist.
(b) Modernist.
(c) Opulent.
(d) Dilemma.

2. Toward the middle of Phase two, Badua and Osam discuss that it is wrong to deny whom their heritage?
(a) Both Kofi Ako and Anowa.
(b) Their grandchildren.
(c) Anowa.
(d) Kofi Ako.

3. The old man states that there must be something _________________about slavery.
(a) Lawful.
(b) Unwholesome.
(c) Beneficial.
(d) Satisfactory.

4. According to Kofi Ako in Phase two, Anowa's willfulness makes her what kind of person?
(a) A kind person.
(b) An exceptional person.
(c) A horrible person.
(d) A stubborn person.

5. What is Anowa's response to Kofi Ako inability to understand why Anowa cannot be like other wives and be content?
(a) She begins to cry.
(b) A hysterical laugh.
(c) She tells him that she tries.
(d) She is awed and stunned into complete silence.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anowa see to be her biggest problem at this point in the play?

2. What does the issue of slavery do to the marriage of Kofi Ako and Anowa?

3. Where does Phase two take place?

4. What is Anowa unable to do by the end of Phase two?

5. What is the only thing Kofi Ako ever wants?

(see the answer keys)

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