Another Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Another Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did August want, do, and/or think, when she first saw Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi as a child in Brooklyn?
(a) August hated them because she had no friends.
(b) August yelled at the girls for being stuck-up.
(c) August wanted to be a part of who they were.
(d) August had a natural distaste for the girls.

2. What did August's father do to the apartment window she and her brother always peered through?
(a) August's father put a dark sheet over it and told them to stop looking out of it.
(b) August's father took a knife and cut the top of the window frame.
(c) August's father replaced it with a new window that made it easier for August and her brother to see through.
(d) August's father broke the window and yelled at August and her brother.

3. What did Gigi's mother say about Gigi's skin tone?
(a) Gigi should talk to a dermatologist about her acne.
(b) Gigi should use tanning products.
(c) Gigi should should be proud of her skin tone.
(d) Gigi should stay out of the sun, so that her skin did not get any darker.

4. What was the name of the ice cream truck August and her brother saw through their apartment window?
(a) Misses Creamery Truck.
(b) Mister Ice Cream.
(c) Misses Chocolate.
(d) Mister Softee.

5. Who was August's "Mommy" talking to when August, her father, and her brother left Tennessee?
(a) Fairies.
(b) Another man.
(c) Uncle Clyde.
(d) Ghosts.

6. As divulged in Chapter 5, what profession did Gigi want to become when she got older?
(a) Gigi wanted to be a banker.
(b) Gigi wanted to become an actress.
(c) Gigi wanted to be an anthropologist.
(d) Gigi longed to be a lawyer.

7. What did the woman who lived below August's apartment look like?
(a) The woman was dark and reedy and wore a long, black wig.
(b) The woman had a long neck...and smelt like cigarette smoke.
(c) The woman never spoke to August, and always looked away when they saw each other on the stairs.
(d) The woman was scary and fat and scowled a lot.

8. What magazine reminded August that her family was not as poor as others?
(a) Life.
(b) National Geographic.
(c) Time.
(d) People.

9. In what condition did August, Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi find the man who raped Gigi in Chapter 4?
(a) The man was "asleep, alone, and snoring" (59).
(b) The man hid underneath the stairs "waited for the girls and jumped out like he wanted to rape all the girls" (58).
(c) The man "...was shooting up heroin and had a look the girls had never seen before" (54).
(d) The man had "a needle clinched and dripping from his left hand" (59).

10. What did August and her brother do at night as explained at the end of Chapter 7?
(a) August and her brother cried all night.
(b) August and her brother created a plan to run away.
(c) August and her brother held hands.
(d) August and her brother sang hymns together.

11. How much older is August than her brother?
(a) 4 years.
(b) 6 years.
(c) 2 years.
(d) 1 year.

12. What does August say saved her brother from feeling "halfway whole" (3)?
(a) Education.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) Friendship.
(d) Faith.

13. As indicated in Chapter 4, what did August say her father had to do, because they had to live without August's mother?
(a) August's father was "as unsure as we were about what step to take next" (46).
(b) August's father tried to "be a mother, but it just wasn't the same" (45).
(c) August's father became an "angry and resentful clue what to do" (46).
(d) August's father treated his children "like they were the least important people on the planet" (47).

14. At the beginning of Chapter 7, what was "telling some part of our [August, Sylvia, Gigi, and Angela] story" (69)?
(a) Blurry memories.
(b) Young boys.
(c) Every song.
(d) The night sky.

15. What did the girls say to boys who called August, Sylvia, Gigi, and Angela's names in Chapter 7?
(a) "Don't look at us. We hate you."
(b) "Stop trying to get into our pants. We know what you want."
(c) "We are better than you and your stupid friends."
(d) "Don't even say my name. Don't even put it in your mouth."

Short Answer Questions

1. How did August's mother feel about friendships among women as indicated in Chapter 2?

2. Why could Gigi not tell her mother about the rape?

3. What was the color of the pullout sofa in August's childhood apartment?

4. When August was a child, what statement did she always tell her brother when he asked about their mother?

5. What did August's mother sleep with under her pillow as stated at the start of Chapter 4?

(see the answer keys)

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