Annihilation Test | Final Test - Easy

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annihilation Test | Final Test - Easy

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the psychologist explain the fear that the Southern Reach has for Area X?
(a) If people found out how nice it was in Area X, they would abandon their jobs, dooming the Southern Reach's benefactors within the military-industrial complex.
(b) Area X is expanding.
(c) Area X conceals secrets that would damage the Southern Reach if discovered.
(d) Area X conceals a terrorist faction dedicated to ending the Southern Reach.

2. What does the physiologist want to know about the surveyor in 04: Immersion?
(a) When she died.
(b) If the biologist kill her.
(c) If she got back across the border.
(d) Where she is.

3. Why does the biologist know the layout of the lighthouse?
(a) It is a classic lighthouse that she has been to as a child.
(b) She had a dream about it.
(c) She doesn't.
(d) She has seen maps of it in her training.

4. What does the biologist take samples of in the abandoned town in 03: Immolation?
(a) Human remains.
(b) Dead animals, a fox and a rat.
(c) Her own saliva.
(d) The water coming from the sink.

5. Why does the biologist refuse to let the psychologist restore her memories?
(a) She does not want to be subject to hypnosis again.
(b) She does not want to be a bother.
(c) They are interrupted by the moaning beast.
(d) She decides she'd rather not know what's on the border.

6. What time does the biologist reach the lighthouse in 03: Immolation?
(a) 1.
(b) Midnight.
(c) 2.
(d) Noon.

7. What does the biologist see in the canal in 03: Immolation?
(a) A giant school of fish.
(b) A dolphin.
(c) A whale.
(d) A boat.

8. What does the biologist see when she looks down from the top of the lighthouse balcony?
(a) The boar.
(b) A far-away beam of light.
(c) A doppelganger of herself standing on a doppelganger of the lighthouse.
(d) The psychologist's body.

9. Aside from the anthropologists death, what makes the psychologist upset the morning at base camp in 04: Immersion?
(a) She was afraid that the Southern Reach would come after her for failing the mission.
(b) She was afraid that the Crawler would attack them.
(c) She noticed that the biologist was already changing.
(d) She knew she needed to kill the surveyor.

10. What is unique about the item the biologist sees in the canal?
(a) It is making a low moaning sound.
(b) It can speak English.
(c) It has two heads.
(d) The eyes are oddly human and it feels like she has seen those eyes before.

11. What is the psychologist's final request?
(a) To be left exactly where she dies.
(b) For the biologist to find her wife and tell her the psychologist is sorry.
(c) To be cremated.
(d) To be buried.

12. Who attacks the biologist on her way back to base camp in 04: Immersion?
(a) The Crawler.
(b) The psychologist from the eleventh expedition.
(c) The anthropologist.
(d) The surveyor.

13. What does the biologist discover on the psychologist's arm and shoulder in 04: Immersion?
(a) A tattoo of a skeleton carrying one of the black boxes.
(b) Weeping, cancerous growths.
(c) Scales.
(d) A colony of green-gold fungi.

14. What peculiarity does the biologist perceive about the Tower as she stands in the lighthouse, before determining that it is not worth considering?
(a) The Tower is surrounded by angry boars.
(b) The only road to the Tower doesn't match the path she took.
(c) The Tower seems to glow.
(d) The Tower appears to be made from flesh from afar.

15. What does the biologist discover piled into a hidden area underneath the secret trapdoor in the lighthouse?
(a) She discovers the bodies of those killed by Area X.
(b) She discovers a pile of journals.
(c) She discovers a rotting pile of old food.
(d) She discovers a pile of abandoned playthings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does the psychologist give for sending the anthropologist down into the Tower?

2. How does the logbook written in a "spidery hand" (117) describe the writings that the biologist attributes to the Crawler?

3. What does the Southern Reach tell the people in the surrounding areas to explain Area X?

4. How does the narrator describe the residents of Rock Bay?

5. What words keep standing out to the biologist in one particular journal?

(see the answer keys)

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