Annihilation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annihilation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes the expedition team laugh over dinner in 01: Initiation?
(a) They watch a group of ducks on the pond.
(b) When the anthropologists says, "I wish I knew what you were thinking," and the biologist responds, "no you don't" (31).
(c) The surveyor tells them all dirty jokes.
(d) The psychologist spills soup on herself.

2. Who does the biologist deduce was ultimately responsible for the death of the corpse discovered in 02: Integration?
(a) The anthropologist.
(b) The psychologist.
(c) The linguist.
(d) The boar.

3. What does the psychologist use hypnosis to keep the surveyor and anthropologist from doing?
(a) Remembering their names.
(b) Agreeing with her.
(c) Going underground.
(d) Dreaming.

4. At what time of day does a low, powerful moan always sound in the area that the expedition explores?
(a) Dusk.
(b) Midnight.
(c) At random.
(d) Mid-day.

5. What new precautions do the expedition members plan to take before going back underground in 01: Initiation?
(a) They will wear breathing masks.
(b) They will burn every living thing they see.
(c) They will use smoke to smoke out any dangerous beasts.
(d) They will call in a tactical nuclear strike over the area.

6. What is the first thing that the biologist notices when she enters the tower the second time?
(a) The tower is breathing.
(b) The stairs are covered in glitter.
(c) There is something watching them.
(d) There is the smell of a dead body.

7. What important feature of the terrain is missing from the expedition's maps?
(a) The lighthouse.
(b) The maps are completely accurate.
(c) The tower.
(d) The base camp.

8. To what do the inhaled spores make the narrator immune?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Hypnosis.
(c) Fear.
(d) Broken Bones.

9. How does the biologist characterize her husband's behavior upon his return from Area X?
(a) He was extremely gregarious.
(b) He would constantly describe the strange things he saw.
(c) He could not stop screaming.
(d) He seemed distant.

10. How does the surveyor respond when the biologist asks whether she will wait at base camp?
(a) The surveyor swears to beat her to the lighthouse.
(b) The surveyor confirms that she's going to the extraction point immediately.
(c) The surveyor curses at her.
(d) The surveyor insists that she'll stay behind, no matter what.

11. Which member drops out before they even enter Area X?
(a) A medical doctor.
(b) A nuclear physicist.
(c) A chemist.
(d) A linguist.

12. How many people are in the 12th expedition originally?
(a) 4.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 7.

13. What does the psychologist do when they return to base camp in 01: Initiation?
(a) Goes to her tent and writes in her journal.
(b) Makes everyone a snack.
(c) Contacts the people in the government.
(d) Creates a new map.

14. What does the biologist think about when she is in the tunnel in 02: Integration?
(a) How she can kill the psychologist when she gets back up to the surface.
(b) How scared she is.
(c) How much she loves her husband.
(d) The pool that was at her home growing up.

15. How does the biologist feel about exploring alone on her way to the lighthouse?
(a) She knows she will be bored traveling alone.
(b) She is terrified of being on her own.
(c) She is mad that the surveyor will not come with her.
(d) She welcomes the chance to travel alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What personal connection does the biologist reveal about herself and Area X in 02: Integration?

2. What substance do the surveyor and the biologist discover on the stairs during their second trip into the tower?

3. What do the surveyor and biolgist notice about the words in the tunnel in 02: Integration?

4. What does the biologist learn about the sample that she studies at base camp in 02: Integration?

5. Which member of the expedition is the first to go into the tunnel?

(see the answer keys)

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