Annihilation Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annihilation Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 05: Dissolution.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What personal connection does the biologist reveal about herself and Area X in 02: Integration?
(a) Her favorite spot in her childhood was actually a piece of Area X.
(b) Her parents were both born in Area X.
(c) Her husband went on the eleventh expedition to Area X.
(d) Area X was named after her grandpa, Cornelius X.

2. What new precautions do the expedition members plan to take before going back underground in 01: Initiation?
(a) They will call in a tactical nuclear strike over the area.
(b) They will use smoke to smoke out any dangerous beasts.
(c) They will wear breathing masks.
(d) They will burn every living thing they see.

3. How did the biologist spend her last few nights in Rock Bay?
(a) Getting drunk in the pub, dreading the end of her assignment.
(b) Spreading pesticides and herbicides to thwart her scientific rivals.
(c) Spreading gossip and rumors to punish the townsfolk.
(d) Calling her husband every day because she couldn't wait to go home.

4. How does the psychologist explain the fear that the Southern Reach has for Area X?
(a) Area X is expanding.
(b) Area X conceals secrets that would damage the Southern Reach if discovered.
(c) Area X conceals a terrorist faction dedicated to ending the Southern Reach.
(d) If people found out how nice it was in Area X, they would abandon their jobs, dooming the Southern Reach's benefactors within the military-industrial complex.

5. Why does the biologist know the layout of the lighthouse?
(a) She had a dream about it.
(b) She has seen maps of it in her training.
(c) She doesn't.
(d) It is a classic lighthouse that she has been to as a child.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the surveyor respond when the biologist asks whether she will wait at base camp?

2. What does the biologist do with the psychologist's gun and personal letter in 04: Immersion?

3. According to the biologist, who is the last casualty of the eleventh expedition?

4. What did the killer do that made them responsible for the death of the corpse discovered in 02: Integration?

5. What did the biologist's husband see walking out of the Tower?

(see the answer key)

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