Annihilation Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annihilation Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 03: Immolation.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the biologist discover underneath the rug in the top room of the lighthouse?
(a) The psychologist's severed face.
(b) A cryptic note.
(c) A secret door.
(d) Scratch marks in the floor.

2. What animal comes at them on their hike to base camp in 01:Initiation?
(a) A wild boar.
(b) A bear.
(c) A deer.
(d) A dolphin.

3. What has been attached to the sides of the lighthouse?
(a) Shards of glass.
(b) Exterior motion lights.
(c) Hanging bodies.
(d) Mirrors.

4. Which member of the expedition has had the most weapons training?
(a) The psychologist.
(b) The surveyor.
(c) The biologist.
(d) The anthropologist.

5. What do the surveyor and biolgist notice about the words in the tunnel in 02: Integration?
(a) They are written in a different language.
(b) They are written with human blood.
(c) They are getting fresher.
(d) They are getting bigger.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the surveyor respond when the biologist asks whether she will wait at base camp?

2. What words keep standing out to the biologist in one particular journal?

3. Where is the narrator's expedition going in 01:Initiation?

4. Why does the biologist throw a rock at the lighthouse?

5. Finish this quote from one member of the first expedition: "I could do anything as long as I did not mind..."

(see the answer key)

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