Annihilation Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annihilation Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jeff VanderMeer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 04: Immersion.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the first expedition report about Area X?
(a) All of the trees were burnt down.
(b) All of the wildlife had been killed by something.
(c) Nothing out of the ordinary, just wild and untouched wilderness.
(d) Alien lifeforms.

2. How does the biologist rationalize her attempt to manipulate the surveyor into going to the lighthouse?
(a) She does not want the anthropologist's death to be meaningless.
(b) She thinks her personal safety is more important than what the surveyor wants.
(c) She thinks they should both be completely dedicated to their mission.
(d) She thinks the surveyor would have a good time at the lighthouse.

3. What has been attached to the sides of the lighthouse?
(a) Shards of glass.
(b) Mirrors.
(c) Exterior motion lights.
(d) Hanging bodies.

4. What does the biologist discover when she goes to the back of the base camp after her final encounter with the surveyor?
(a) The dead in the graveyard were rising.
(b) The surveyor had planned a surprise party for when she got back.
(c) A doppelganger of the surveyor lay there waiting for her.
(d) The surveyor had dug a grave.

5. What do the journals reveal about Area X?
(a) There were many more expeditions to Area X than 12.
(b) Area X is where the government is testing chemicals.
(c) Area X was colonized by aliens.
(d) Area X is getting smaller.

Short Answer Questions

1. Finish this quote from one member of the first expedition: "I could do anything as long as I did not mind..."

2. What does the biologist notice about the psychologist at the beginning of 02: Integration?

3. How did the biologist perceive the psychologist's professional reaction to her recalcitrant answers during their training sessions?

4. Why do the biologist and the surveyor wish they had the linguist while they are in the tunnel?

5. How does the biologist describe her mother when talking to the psychologist?

(see the answer key)

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