Annie John Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annie John Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can Annie see in the distance from her family's vacation home?
(a) A guava tree.
(b) A cemetery.
(c) The produce market.
(d) A furniture store.

2. How does Annie feel in response to her teacher's reaction to the first essay she wrote in Chapter 3?
(a) Confused.
(b) Lightheaded with joy.
(c) Worried.
(d) Unhappy.

3. Why won't Annie let her mother touch her?
(a) Because she burned her hand.
(b) Because she hasn't washed her hands.
(c) Because she has a wart that was a vex on her.
(d) Because she bathed and dressed the dead girl.

4. How does Annie buy her dunce friend treats at recess?
(a) By winning money playing marbles.
(b) With money taken from her mother's purse.
(c) With salary money she has saved.
(d) She doesn't

5. What excuses does Annie use to sneak away to meet her new friend in Chapter 4?
(a) Needs to meet Sonia at the library for an art project.
(b) Needs to meet Gwen to study.
(c) Needs to stretch her legs or do onsite research for art.
(d) Needs to go for a jog.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the two girls Annie befriends at her new school in Chapter 2?

2. What does Annie's mother teach her at the market?

3. Which story always makes Annie and her father cry?

4. Annie and her Chapter 4 friend begin exchanging hard pinches and...

5. What scent is the lava rock given to Annie in Chapter 3 by a friend?

Short Essay Questions

1. Annie's mother saw her talking with Mineau and his friends. What did she think about the incident?

2. What do the fabrics Annie and her mother select in Chapter 2 symbolize to Annie and why?

3. What incident makes the Johns realize they cannot leave Annie alone at all?

4. Why does Annie say she likes to sit at the front of the class?

5. What does Annie write that gets her into trouble in Chapter 5 and where does she write it?

6. How does Annie view her parents in Chapter 8? How does Annie now see herself?

7. What is Annie's response to Mrs. John's accusation in Chapter 6?

8. What is Annie's main symptom at the beginning of Chapter 7?

9. What is Annie required to copy as her punishment in Chapter 5 and how much time is she given?

10. In Chapter 1, Annie is supposed to pick up fish on her way home but did not. How does Mrs. John get the fish?

(see the answer keys)

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