Annie John Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annie John Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Annie in Chapter 6?
(a) 18.
(b) 12.
(c) 14.
(d) 15.

2. What exactly is the illustration Annie discusses in her textbook in Chapter 5?
(a) Columbus being burned at the stake.
(b) Columbus being shipped back to the king and queen of Spain by the Dominicans.
(c) Columbus being honored with a Thanksgiving meal.
(d) Columbus launching his boats to set sail to the new world.

3. How does Annie travel to her new destination?
(a) By ship, train and plane.
(b) By train.
(c) By plane.
(d) By ship.

4. What does Mrs. John's consultant conclude regarding Annie's illness in Chapter 7?
(a) The girl is evil herself.
(b) The girl is fighting inner evil.
(c) There are no evil spirits near the girl.
(d) The townswomen have cast evil spirits on the girl.

5. In Chapter 6, Annie says when she hates someone she...
(a) Imagines them dead.
(b) Tells them face to face.
(c) Makes their lives miserable.
(d) Vexes them with Obeah curses.

6. Where is the island on which this story takes place?
(a) Spanish peninsula.
(b) Iceland.
(c) North America.
(d) West Indies.

7. How old are the girls in Annie's classes in Chapter 6?
(a) 1 year younger.
(b) 2 or 3 years older.
(c) 2 or 3 years younger.
(d) The same age as she.

8. Who does Mr. John want to consult regarding Annie's illness in Chapter 7?
(a) His mother.
(b) Mr. Kenneth.
(c) A voodoo doctor.
(d) A proper doctor.

9. What is Annie's view from her seat in Chapter 5, before getting in trouble?
(a) The back of Gwen's head.
(b) The back of the entire class.
(c) The back of Sonia's head.
(d) She can see out the window.

10. Why is Annie jealous of her Chapter 6 classmates?
(a) They all have more money.
(b) They all are teacher's pets.
(c) They have perfect hair.
(d) They have bosoms.

11. How does Mrs. John treat Annie's illness in Chapter 7?
(a) She sends her to bed to rest.
(b) She takes her to Rat Island to be healed.
(c) She punishes her and makes her stay in her room.
(d) She sends her to stand in the cleansing rain.

12. What does Annie resent about her mother in Chapter 8?
(a) Her hypocrisy.
(b) Her hair.
(c) Her insistence on the Obeah superstitions.
(d) The time she spent with her father.

13. What does Mr. John's consultant find wrong with Annie in Chapter 7?
(a) Seasonal Affected Disorder.
(b) Nothing.
(c) She has allergies.
(d) She is deficient in iron.

14. Why do Annie's plans for lunchtime fail in Chapter 5?
(a) Her mother spots her hiding in the market and makes her return to school.
(b) Her parents are absorbed in their own conversation.
(c) Her mother isn't home.
(d) There is nothing to eat in the house

15. In Chapter 6, Annie says she cannot imagine life without....
(a) Her mother.
(b) School.
(c) Fresh fruits from the market.
(d) Gwen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why has school changed for Annie in Chapter 6?

2. What does Annie try to rationalize in Chapter 6?

3. How long does the island's drought last?

4. In Chapter 5, where is the new girl in Annie's school from?

5. What does Annie's textbook picture in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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