Anne of the Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of the Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After his mother dies, what does John do?
(a) Asks Janet to go away.
(b) Asks Janet to marry him.
(c) Asks Janet to live with him.
(d) Asks Janet to forget about him.

2. Who is Miss Carson?
(a) Davy's new teacher.
(b) Marilla's new friend.
(c) Anne's aunt.
(d) Mrs. Rachel Lynde's sister.

3. Who does Philippa say she has met in Prospect Point?
(a) Gilbert Blythe.
(b) Jonas Blake.
(c) Charlie Sloane.
(d) Billy Andrews.

4. With whom is Anne staying in Valley Road?
(a) Miss Janet Sweet.
(b) Amelia Skinner.
(c) Patty Spofford.
(d) Mrs. Douglas.

5. Who tells Anne news about Gilbert in the beginning of Chapter 40?
(a) Davy.
(b) Mrs. Lynde.
(c) Marilla.
(d) Dora.

Short Answer Questions

1. If Diana had given birth to a little girl, what name would she have given her?

2. Whose flowers and jewelry gift does Anne wear in Chapter 37?

3. For how many years have Janet and John been together?

4. What does Philippa get a brief lecture about?

5. What is Anne confused about in Chapter 32?

Short Essay Questions

1. What shows the depth of Philippa's character and her change in personality and values in Chapter 27?

2. How does Anne finally realize she loves Gilbert?

3. How is Anne a good representation of her generation in Chapter 31?

4. How is Davy's character shown to be maturing in Chapter 19?

5. What bothers Anne at the party and what does it tell the reader in Chapter 26?

6. Why is Janet crying in Chapter 33?

7. Why is Anne confused about Janet and John's relationship?

8. Describe the difference between Marilla and Mrs. Lynde's reactions to hearing about Anne's refusal to Gilbert's proposal.

9. Why does Anne think Gilbert has lost his feelings of love for her?

10. Is Roy's proposal to Anne her ideal? How so?

(see the answer keys)

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