Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who won the Avery scholarship?

2. What does Matthew do when he goes to town to buy a dress for Anne?

3. What did Dr. Spencer tell Marilla to do with Anne that summer?

4. In Chapter 24 what does Anne contemplate becoming when she grows up?

5. What did Diana do right after Anne had departed for Queen's?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Miss Stacy propose her students do in November?

2. What were the results of the Entrance Examination?

3. What does the oculist tell Marilla about her eyes?

4. How do Anne and Marilla react when Matthew dies?

5. What is Marilla moved to tell Anne in Chapter 34 and how does Anne respond?

6. What is the story club?

7. What are the stumbling blocks to Anne, Jane, Ruby and Charlie, Josie and Moody in their studies?

8. Why is Anne worried about Marilla and Matthew?

9. Describe some other women at the concert at the White Sands Hotel.

10. Describe how Anne, Diana, Ruby Gillis and Jane Andrews decide to dramatize Tennyson's "Elaine".

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) Describe Anne's first day at Sunday School. Include mention of Miss Rogerson, the Sunday school teacher, Mr. Bell , the Sunday School

superintendent and the minister.

2) Describe the incident of the amethyst brooch.

3) Describe what happens when Gilbert Blythe calls Anne carrots in school. What does she do? What does Mr. Phillips, the teacher, do?

Why is this such an important event in the book?

4) Write on one of the three topics.

Essay Topic 2

1) Write a description of Anne's story "The Jealous Rival". Tell the whole story, naming the main characters. What did you think of it?

2) Describe the story club Anne organizes. Who is in it? What kind of stories do they write?

3) Describe Anne's run-in with the German peddler. What does she buy and what happens?

4) Choose one of the above three topics to write on.

Essay Topic 3

1) Describe what happens when Marilla is at the Aid Society and Anne has Diana over for tea. Why does this turn out to be so tragic for


2) Describe some of the ways Anne shows her devotion to Diana.

3) How does Anne get back in Mrs. Barry's good graces? What happens that night when Diana's parents are away and Diana's little sister

get a bad case of the croup?

4) Choose one of the three topics to write on.

(see the answer keys)

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