Anne of Green Gables Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Anne's responsibility when she lived with Mrs. Hammond?

2. What did Prissy Andrews look like at the Debating Club concert?

3. Where do Anne and Diana meet to say their good-byes after Diana's mother forbids Diana to see Anne again?

4. What does Anne recall Mr. Phillips, the teacher, doing which upset her?

5. What does Mrs. Barry tell Diana Anne can do for Diana's birthday?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Josie Pye dare Anne to do and what happens?

2. What happens when Marilla takes Anne to meet Diana Barry?

3. Why does Marilla go to Charlottetown in Chapter 18?

4. What kind of unusual prayer does Anne say when Marilla asks her to pray in Chapter 7?

5. Describe what Anne would like in a bosom friend?

6. When Anne reminds Marilla that she has been at Green Gables for one year what does Marilla say and what does she think in her heart?

7. Why is Marilla hesitant to ship Anne off to live with Mrs. Peter Blewett?

8. What happens that night at the sleepover at Diana's house and what is the outcome?

9. Who becomes Anne's enemy in Chapter 15 and why?

10. Describe the new kindred spirit Anne meets in Chapter 21.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) What does Gilbert do for Anne in the last chapter in order that she can teach at Avonlea? Why is this so noble? What is Gilbert sacrificing

in order to do this?

2) Do you think this book would only be interesting to girls and women? Why? Why not? Give reasons.

3) What did you like best about the book? Explain your answer in as much detail as possible.

4 ) Choose one of the three topics to write on.

Essay Topic 2

1) Write a description of Anne's story "The Jealous Rival". Tell the whole story, naming the main characters. What did you think of it?

2) Describe the story club Anne organizes. Who is in it? What kind of stories do they write?

3) Describe Anne's run-in with the German peddler. What does she buy and what happens?

4) Choose one of the above three topics to write on.

Essay Topic 3

1) After reading the book, would you like to be a country teacher? Why? Would you teach in a similar way to how Miss Stacy taught?

2) If you could be a minister, what kind of sermon would you like to preach? List some of the things you would include in the sermon.

3) Of all the homes described in the book: Green Gables, the Barrys', Aunt Josephine's., which one would you choose to live in? Why?

Include a description of the home in your answer.

4) Choose one of the three topics to write on.

(see the answer keys)

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