Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Miss Stacy teach Anne about how to write?
(a) to use large words and unusual vocabulary
(b) to write a lot of poetry about nature
(c) to use short words and write about things she knew personally
(d) to let her imagination run wild

2. What did Moody Spurgeon do to settle his nerves before the Entrance exam?
(a) wrote a lot of letters to his parents
(b) repeated the multiplication table
(c) ate a lot of ice cream
(d) repeated the Lord's Prayer

3. How was Anne dressed for the concert at the White Sands hotel?
(a) in her blue-flowered muslin and blue slippers
(b) in a green organdy dress with a white lily in her hair
(c) in a brown, ruffled dress with kid slippers
(d) in white organdy with a white rose in her hair

4. What was the title of Anne's first story?
(a) "Unrequited Love" or "Long Lost Love"
(b) "The Haunted Wood" or "Alone in the Dark Wood"
(c) "My Prince Will Come" or "Happy Ending"
(d) "The Jealous Rival" or "In Death not Divided"

5. To whom does Matthew finally turn with this problem of getting a new dress for Anne?
(a) Mrs. Rachel Lynde
(b) Miss Stacy, Anne's teacher
(c) Mrs. Allan, the minister's wife
(d) Marilla

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Anne stay while she was attending Queen's?

2. What did the boys in Anne's class do for nature study?

3. What did Miss Stacy speak to the teen girls about when she took them down to the brook?

4. What did Anne do with Miss Josephine Barry while at Queen's?

5. Why did Marilla cry when she listened to Anne recite "The Maiden's Vow" for her and Matthew?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the results of the final examinations on the bulletin board?

2. What changes take place in Anne during the summer in Chapter 31?

3. Describe Ruby Gillis, whom Gilbert Blythe walks home with from the Carmody Railway Station every Friday night.

4. What awaits Anne and Diana when they are invited by Diana's aunt Josephine to the Exhibition in Charlottetown?

5. Describe the story "The Jealous Rival" or "In Death not Divided" that Anne writes.

6. What is the story club?

7. Describe Anne, her dress, and her hair at the concert at the White Sands Hotel.

8. Describe some other women at the concert at the White Sands Hotel.

9. What are the stumbling blocks to Anne, Jane, Ruby and Charlie, Josie and Moody in their studies?

10. What were the results of the Entrance Examination?

(see the answer keys)

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