Anne of Green Gables Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Josie Pye do which all the little girls admired?
(a) She walked along the top of the Barrys' board fence
(b) She jumped off Diana's swing when it was very high.
(c) She swung high above the garden on a strong vine.
(d) She ate an ant.

2. What do we learn about Matthew Cuthbert in Chapter 2?
(a) We learn that he is painfully shy around girls and women.
(b) We learn that he is a confident, boastful man.
(c) We learn that he had an unhappy love affair as a young man.
(d) We learn that he loves children, both boys and girls.

3. How does Anne finally get permission to go to Diana's for her birthday?
(a) Anne promised to be back at Green Gables before dark.
(b) Matthew is adamant about Anne being able to go.
(c) Anne promises to be very well-behaved.
(d) She promised to do extra chores for Marilla

4. With whom did Anne live until she was eight-years-old?
(a) Mrs. Thomas and her drunken husband
(b) Her grandmother, who then died
(c) Mrs. Thompson , a widow
(d) Her parents' neighbor, Mrs. Babcock

5. What does the romantic Anne rename the 'Avenue', a scenic stretch of road lined with blossoming apple trees?
(a) "The Faierie's Way"
(b) "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream"
(c) "The Bridal Path"
(d) "White Way of Delight"

6. What housekeeping mistakes does Anne make because she's lost in her imagination?
(a) She doesn't make her bed and breaks a dish.
(b) She drops the pie on the kitchen floor and leaves the door open.
(c) She puts the jam on the wrong shelf and leaves the butter out.
(d) She starches Matthew's handkerchiefs and burns the pie.

7. What compliment on her looks does Anne receive the first day at school?
(a) that her eyes are lovely
(b) that she has a pretty nose
(c) that she has thick hair
(d) that her ears are perfectly formed

8. Who is Diana Barry?
(a) Anne's imaginary playmate
(b) a dark-haired, dark-eyed little girl about Anne's age
(c) the minister's wife
(d) a former friend at the asylum

9. Why was it a fortnight until Mrs. Rachel Lynde came to visit Marilla and see Anne?
(a) Mrs. Lynde was away visiting relatives.
(b) Mrs. Lynde had the grippe.
(c) Mrs., Lynde had company.
(d) Mrs. Lynde was busy with her garden.

10. What did Josie Pye dare Jane Andrews to do at the party?
(a) catch a butterfly in Diana's garden
(b) hop backwards down the garden walk
(c) hop on her left leg around the garden without stopping
(d) jump "double dutch" jump rope 5 minutes without stopping

11. What does Anne do when Marilla accuses her of losing Marilla's amethyst brooch?
(a) She promises to save money and buy her another one.
(b) She gets angry and protests the accusation.
(c) She falsely confesses to having dropped it in the lake.
(d) She dissolves into tears and asks for severe punishment.

12. What happened between Gilbert and Anne on the first day of school?
(a) Nothing. They were oblivious to one another.
(b) They fell in love.
(c) They became buddies.
(d) Gilbert called her Carrots and she broke a slate over his head.

13. What does Anne call Mrs. Rachel Lynde?
(a) " a rude, impolite, unfeeling woman"
(b) "an old busybody and nuisance"
(c) " a new-found friend and kindred spirit"
(d) "an ugly, old witch"

14. What did her parents die from?
(a) they drowned
(b) German measles
(c) tuberculosis
(d) a fever

15. What school subject did Anne say was casting a shadow over her life?
(a) algebra
(b) English grammar
(c) Latin
(d) geometry

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Anne and Diana call the patch of birch trees where they built a playhouse?

2. How old is Anne in Chapter 5?

3. What made Anne not care about God?

4. What does Anne call a person who feels as she does about things?

5. How does Anne win Mrs. Rachel Lynde over?

(see the answer keys)

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