Annapurna Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Annapurna Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long did Herzog have before the monsoon would reach the mountains?
(a) More than a month.
(b) A few days.
(c) A couple of weeks.
(d) A week, maybe two.

2. What did Dr. Oudot threaten Herzog with on the descent?
(a) Force-feeding.
(b) Relieving him of command of the expedition.
(c) Amputation of his fingers.
(d) Abandonment.

3. Where did the Sherpas stay when Lachenal and Herzog stayed at Camp IV?
(a) At Camp II.
(b) At Camp V.
(c) At Camp III.
(d) At Base Camp.

4. What did Herzog ask Ang-Tharkay at Camp V?
(a) To take more supplies to Camp V.
(b) To summit with him and Lachenal.
(c) To send news to France.
(d) To carry a message to Terray at Camp III.

5. What did Herzog hear over the radio?
(a) News from France.
(b) News about the Korean conflict.
(c) A special weather report.
(d) News that their summit achievement had been celebrated.

6. What state was Camp IV in when Rebuffat and Terray reached it?
(a) Very good condition.
(b) Buried under avalanche snow.
(c) Swept away by an avalanche.
(d) Covered in ice.

7. How did Herzog feel about Terray's concerns?
(a) He knew that they were groundless.
(b) He did not understand them.
(c) He knew that conditions would improve shortly.
(d) He shared them.

8. Why was Herzog angry with Schatz?
(a) For having injured himself.
(b) For having descended alone.
(c) For having opened the emergency rations.
(d) For having disobeyed him.

9. What did Herzog receive in Katmandu?
(a) Prosthetic hands.
(b) Honors from the Maharajah of Nepal.
(c) Citations for traveling without permits.
(d) Money from France.

10. How did Herzog depart from his style in describing the descent?
(a) He described part of it from Ichac's journal.
(b) He described the account that was printed in the newspapers afterward.
(c) He flashed back to his first mountaineering trip.
(d) He used stream of consciousness.

11. What did Herzog see in his fever-induced vision?
(a) His parents.
(b) Himself among the mountains.
(c) His friends.
(d) His wife.

12. Why did Herzog and Lachenal have difficulty walking?
(a) They had not eaten.
(b) Their feet were frostbitten.
(c) They were exhausted.
(d) They were both dehydrated.

13. What did Rebuffat and Terray tell Herzog when they met each other?
(a) That they wanted to rest at Camp II.
(b) That they had summitted.
(c) That they had established Camp V.
(d) That they were ill.

14. What was Herzog's plan when he reached Camp III?
(a) To return to Camp II.
(b) To summit the next day.
(c) To retreat.
(d) To re-establish Camp IV.

15. How did Herzog make his way out of the valley?
(a) On a porter's back.
(b) By horse.
(c) On foot.
(d) On a sled.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Herzog reply when Lachenal asked him what he would do if he (Lachenal) were to turn back?

2. What news did Schatz take with him to Camp II?

3. Why was Herzog worried about conditions?

4. When did Herzog give up on surviving the descent?

5. What did Rebuffat and Terray insist upon doing?

(see the answer keys)

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