Animal Farm Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Animal Farm Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who convinces the animals on the farm that the power source for the farm was Napoleon's idea all along?
(a) Clover.
(b) Snowball.
(c) Squealer.
(d) Mollie.

2. What does Mr. Jones do during the battle in Chapter 4?
(a) Shoots at Boxer.
(b) Shoots at Squealer.
(c) Shoots at Snowball.
(d) Kills Napoleon.

3. What does Old Major wish to share with the other animals in Chapter 1?
(a) His alcohol.
(b) His dream from the prior night.
(c) His plan to escape the barnyard.
(d) His beliefs about Mr. Jones.

4. Which animal is not mentioned in Chapter 4 at all?
(a) Snowball.
(b) Napoleon.
(c) Sheep.
(d) Boxer.

5. Which animal holds education sessions for the other animals?
(a) Napoleon.
(b) Snowball.
(c) Molly.
(d) Squealer.

6. How do the animals celebrate the fact that no humans remain on the farm?
(a) Turning Mr. and Mrs. Jones into slave labor.
(b) Eating all the food.
(c) An extra ration of food.
(d) Taking over the farmhouse.

7. What do the pigs do to the cows in Chapter 2?
(a) Make them harvest the hay.
(b) Feed them.
(c) Make them soldiers.
(d) Milk them.

8. What does the Napoleon do after Snowball tries to persuade the animals to build his idea for a power source?
(a) Lets out a strange call.
(b) Denounces and argues with Snowball.
(c) Leaves the farm forever.
(d) Supports snowball totally.

9. What type of animal is Old Major?
(a) A donkey.
(b) A horse.
(c) A pig.
(d) A cow.

10. Who completes the hard work of the harvest?
(a) All of the animals.
(b) The pigs only.
(c) All of the animals except the cows.
(d) All of the animals except the pigs.

11. Who disagrees with Snowball's idea of how to create power on the farm?
(a) Clover.
(b) Napoleon.
(c) Squealer.
(d) Mollie.

12. What does Clover discover in Molly's stall in Chapter 5?
(a) Hay and lump sugar.
(b) Lump sugar.
(c) Ribbons.
(d) Lump sugar and ribbon.

13. Why do the pigs say they are mixing the milk into their apple mash?
(a) Due to the strenuous physical work of running the farm.
(b) Due to the strenuous work of teaching the animals to be literate.
(c) Due to the strenuous mental work of running the farm.
(d) Due to the strenuous work of tending to all of the animals.

14. Which of the following is the name of a horse?
(a) Benjamin.
(b) Jones.
(c) Old Major.
(d) Boxer.

15. Which animal does not take part in the revolution talk around the farm?
(a) Horse.
(b) Raven.
(c) Cow.
(d) Pig.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the animals feel about the pigs takes specific items all for themselves?

2. Which two pigs disagree on almost every point at the meetings?

3. Which animals initially protest Napoleon's orders, but then are quickly silenced by the growling dogs?

4. Which revolution does Animal Farm parallel?

5. What happens to the puppies?

(see the answer keys)

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