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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What happens to many of the animals who remember life before the revolution?
(a) Squealer refuses to allow them to talk about life before the revolution.
(b) They leave the farm.
(c) They die.
(d) Napoleon has them killed.
2. Which animals continue to gain weight during the increased food rationing?
(a) Dogs.
(b) Pigs.
(c) Horses.
(d) Hens.
3. Why do the pigs say they need the item(s) they take all for themselves?
(a) To keep themselves healthy.
(b) To provide food for their hard work.
(c) To determine how to defend the farm.
(d) Because they are the smartest animals.
4. What does Mr. Jones do when he hears the animals making a lot of noise in Chapter 1?
(a) Runs outside and scares the animals.
(b) Fires a shot in the air.
(c) Shoots the animals.
(d) He sleeps through the noise.
5. What happens to the food rations for the animals in Chapter 9?
(a) They are the same.
(b) There is no food left.
(c) They are reduced.
(d) They are increased.
Short Answer Questions
1. What are Snowball and Boxer given after the battle in Chapter 4?
2. In which two months are the rations further reduced for the working animals on the farm in Chapter 9?
3. Who convinces the animals that trade with humans has always been allowed?
4. Which animal can best be described as cynical?
5. Which of the following is not how Old Major describes the life of an animal in Chapter 1?
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