Animal Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Animal Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Codi and Loyd plan to do?
(a) Go to Tucson and start over.
(b) Get married.
(c) Move to Nicaragua and find Hallie's kidnappers.
(d) Have another baby.

2. How many Gracela sisters were there?
(a) Three.
(b) Five.
(c) Seven.
(d) Nine.

3. Who has been kidnapped?
(a) Homer.
(b) Hallie.
(c) Loyd.
(d) Carlo.

4. What is Codi's seatmate on her bus trip to Telluride reading?
(a) A garden catalog.
(b) A book.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A magazine.

5. What is Codi wearing in Chapter 15 that confuses her father?
(a) Cowboy boots.
(b) Her sister's necklace.
(c) A wig.
(d) Her mother's perfume.

6. Who receives a phone call at the beginning of Chapter 20?
(a) Hallie.
(b) Homer.
(c) Loyd.
(d) Codi.

7. What does Codi receive from the school board in Chapter 23?
(a) An invitation to come back and teach for another year.
(b) A notice that her teaching license has expired.
(c) A notice of dismissal because of her unconventional teaching methods.
(d) Notice that disciplinary action will be taken against her for teaching the students about birth control.

8. Codi realizes that she is no longer that concerned with what?
(a) Having a child.
(b) Being someone else's child.
(c) Being a teacher.
(d) The environment.

9. How does Loyd's family react to Codi when they meet her?
(a) They are standoffish.
(b) They welcome her warmly.
(c) They are cold because they think she is snobbish.
(d) They are courteous, but they are wary of her.

10. Who stands beside Codi at the funeral?
(a) Emelina.
(b) Viola.
(c) Uda.
(d) Loyd.

11. What is the name of Loyd's brother?
(a) Leon.
(b) Louis.
(c) Leander.
(d) Larry.

12. What do the women of the Stitch and Bitch Club make to raise money for their campaign against the mining company?
(a) Jams and jellies from the orchard trees.
(b) Terraria with water and wildlife from the river.
(c) Scale models of the fruit trees in the orchard.
(d) Peacock pisatas.

13. Who did not permit Codi to wear the item that was given to her?
(a) Viola.
(b) Uda.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her mother.

14. Where is Hallie's funeral held?
(a) Grace.
(b) Tucson.
(c) Nicaragua.
(d) Illinois.

15. Between which two versions of Codi is her father having difficulty distinguishing?
(a) Codi as a child and Codi as she is today.
(b) Codi as she is today and Codi as an old woman.
(c) Codi as a teenager and Codi as she is today.
(d) Codi as a teenager and Codi as a child.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does much of the celebrating take place on Christmas?

2. Who has been funding the Contras?

3. Where is Hallie buried?

4. What item, belonging to one of her students, causes Codi to give an emotional lecture about the environment in her class?

5. What is Loyd designated to do at the cockfight?

(see the answer keys)

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