Animal-speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small Test | Final Test - Medium

Ted Andrews
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Animal-speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small Test | Final Test - Medium

Ted Andrews
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Animal-speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The sense of __________ is a strong stimulant to the sex drive, especially in armadillos, but in all species.
(a) Smell.
(b) Taste.
(c) Sight.
(d) Touch.

2. In Chaldea, the goddess of _________ was pictured as riding on an ass in the stories which are told.
(a) Food.
(b) Humility.
(c) Death.
(d) Water.

3. The vulture can ________ for hours without flapping its wings, allowing it to be a patient hunter.
(a) Caw.
(b) Soar.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Swim.

4. Where do grackles like to live, according to the writings of the author?
(a) Marshes.
(b) Mountain tops.
(c) Pine trees.
(d) Deserts.

5. The badger is a _____________ animal, feasting on rabbits, gophers, mice, and squirrels.
(a) Carnivorous.
(b) Omnivorous.
(c) Vegetarian.
(d) Prey.

Short Answer Questions

1. In some ancient societies, the letting of _________ was a way of releasing a form of psychic energy.

2. Vultures will usually lay their eggs ___________, which is interesting as the young are extremely sensitive.

3. The badger is the giant of the weasel family and is considered to be the keeper of the __________.

4. Armadillo is _________ for little armored one, according to its description in the book.

5. The feathers of the wren are considered to be fetishes against __________, and it's considered unlucky to kill this bird.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the Anglo-Saxon term 'wild' mean in terms of animals and humans?

2. What does Andrews say is very helpful when it comes to establishing a relationship with a totem animal?

3. What will help a person begin to see the differences between different species of birds?

4. What are two of the ways in which a person might be able to call an animal totem to himself?

5. What can be disheartening about the practice of working with your animal totems?

6. What does Andrews point out about the differentiation between animals and humans in the modern world?

7. What does Andrews say is the uncanny ability of the bobcat as an animal totem?

8. While some might call domestic horses 'broken,' what is the other explanation that some have for these horses?

9. What does Andrews believe the reason was for the Creator to make the animals of the world?

10. What are some of the qualities of the duck that Andrews shares with the reader?

(see the answer keys)

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