Angle of Repose Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angle of Repose Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the commune going to be located?
(a) Milton, NY
(b) Staten Island
(c) San Francisco
(d) North San Juan, four miles north of Nevada City

2. What does Frank tell Susan he misses the most?
(a) Her stories
(b) Her cooking since they hired a camp cook
(c) When they used to ride away alone and she would draw him
(d) Pricey

3. What are the names of the Ward children?
(a) Ollie, Nellie and Elliott
(b) Susan, Betsy and Bessie
(c) Rodman, Ollie and Susan
(d) Ollie, Betsy and Agnes

4. What does Susan discover about her husband one night as he returns from meetings with potential backers in Boise?
(a) He has been drinking and is drunk
(b) He has been hiding money from her
(c) He does not know how to read
(d) He has another woman

5. Susan says the trip to Mexico was to her, like a trip to two Old World cities - which ones?
(a) London and Berlin
(b) Boston and New York
(c) Istanbul and Madrid
(d) Paris and Rome

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visits Susan alone at the ranch while her family is out watching the fireworks?

2. Why is Oliver upset with Susan in this chapter?

3. How does Lyman's wife tell him she is leaving him for his surgeon?

4. Who does Frank call on when he goes back east to visit his family?

5. What does Lyman do about his dream?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Susan's attitude about Idaho?

2. How does Oliver try to make a home welcome for Susan when the two of them are reunited in Idaho?

3. Susan and Oliver separate as he takes the surveying job and she moves the family to Victoria BC - how does part of the Wards' life compare with Lyman's own personal history?

4. What is the final rip in the fabric of the Ward marriage?

5. How does this chapter highlight the dangers of the West, and how does the author foreshadow the end of happy times for the Wards?

6. Why did Susan send Ollie away?

7. Why does Frank commit suicide?

8. What are Oliver's reasons for sending Pricey back to England?

9. Why is the job offer from US Geological Survey a mixed blessing?

10. How does Shelley's reading of the manifesto bring the reader back to the present day of Lyman's 1970?

(see the answer keys)

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