Angle of Repose Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angle of Repose Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After several years of waiting for financial backers, what happens to Frank and Wiley?
(a) They join the army
(b) They get other jobs
(c) They begin writing and illustrating
(d) They get married

2. What happened to Frank Sargeant?
(a) He ran off with Agnes
(b) He ran off with Susan
(c) He married Nellie
(d) He shot himself in the head

3. What religion is Susan Ward?
(a) Atheist
(b) Quaker
(c) Lutheran
(d) Catholic

4. Susan says the trip to Mexico was to her, like a trip to two Old World cities - which ones?
(a) Istanbul and Madrid
(b) Boston and New York
(c) Paris and Rome
(d) London and Berlin

5. Of what does Susan accuse Oliver?
(a) Damaging her artwork
(b) Stealing money
(c) Fighting in bars
(d) Trusting the wrong people and trusting too much

6. Who is Emelita?
(a) Susan's sister
(b) Don Gustavo's sister-in-law and housekeeper
(c) Don Gustavo's pet dog
(d) Oliver's mother

7. As the irrigation project becomes less and less of a reality, Susan writes and illustrates more. What does Oliver do to relieve his frustration?
(a) Finds another woman
(b) Drinks heavily
(c) Learns another language
(d) Builds another house

8. Where does Susan send Agnes and Betsy so she and Oliver can talk?
(a) To their rooms
(b) To watch tv
(c) To play in the canyon
(d) To their lessons with Nellie

9. How long does Ollie stay away from his family after leaving Boise to attend St. Paul's in 1890?
(a) Ten years
(b) 5 years
(c) Twenty years
(d) three months

10. What does Susan do instead?
(a) Stops writing and illustrating
(b) Takes a steamer to China
(c) Moves in with Augusta
(d) Returns to Boise

11. What is Lyman's main concern at this point
(a) He has been drinking too much in the past two weeks
(b) He is too attracted to Shelley
(c) He is losing interest in his book
(d) He is worried about money

12. Where does Frank touch Susan that makes her yearn for him?
(a) Her bare foot
(b) Her hand
(c) Her hair
(d) Her shoulder

13. When the money runs out and the group is facing a winter of no work, what do they decide to do?
(a) Build a house for Susan, Oliver and their children
(b) Hibernate for the winter
(c) Get jobs in other cities
(d) Move back to town and go on welfare

14. What is Susan doing in this chapter just before Oliver returns home?
(a) cooking
(b) Drawing
(c) sleeping
(d) cleaning house

15. How does Lyman's wife tell him she is leaving him for his surgeon?
(a) She calls him on the phone
(b) She writes a note and places it on his hospital bed stand.
(c) She sends him a telegram
(d) She tells him in person

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Pricey?

2. What is their cook's name?

3. What is Susan's observation about the lives of Mexican women?

4. How did Oliver know someone had come to see Susan while he and the children were gone?

5. To what does Shelley compare the commune?

(see the answer keys)

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