Angels in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angels in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is next to Prior when he returns to his hospital bed in Act 5, Scene 8?
(a) Emily
(b) Louis
(c) Belize
(d) Hannah

2. What generally embarrassing ailment does Roy discuss having in Act 1, Scene 6?
(a) Bladder infection
(b) Pubic lice
(c) Genital warts
(d) Syphilis

3. Hoe does the Angel's communication with Heaven manifest itself onstage?
(a) A cough
(b) Latin chanting
(c) A bright light
(d) A body tremor

4. Where do Louis Ironson's parents live?
(a) Albany
(b) Buffalo
(c) Hicksville
(d) Schenectady

5. What kind of cologne is Joe wearing in Act 1, Scene 6?
(a) Bulgari
(b) Alain Delon
(c) Faberge
(d) Giorgio

6. What historical twentieth century event happened the day God abandoned the Angels?
(a) Black Tuesday
(b) V-J Day
(c) The Great San Francisco Earthquake
(d) The Stonewall Riots

7. Which of the following adjectives is not one that Belize uses in his comparison of Roy Cohn and America in Act 4, Scene 3?
(a) Terminal
(b) Mean
(c) Racist
(d) Crazy

8. In what color is the Angel dressed when she enters Prior's hospital room in Act 5?
(a) Grey
(b) White
(c) Black
(d) Red

9. According to Belize, who will not be in heaven?
(a) Roy
(b) God
(c) The Mormons
(d) Reagan

10. What is Hannah's response to Prior when he asks in what God does to prophets who refuse their vision?
(a) He feeds them to whales
(b) He forgives them eventually
(c) No prophet would do that
(d) She dares not say

11. What are the "prophet birds" in Belize's heaven?
(a) Ravens
(b) Eagles
(c) Vultures
(d) Doves

12. During what type of surgery did Roy Cohn convince the anesthesiologist to let him stay awake?
(a) Face lift
(b) Liposuction
(c) Reverse viscectomy
(d) Hip replacement

13. Where in New York are Roy Cohn's disbarment hearings being held?
(a) Manhattan
(b) Yonkers
(c) Syracuse
(d) White Plains

14. What character's spirit helps Louis with the Kaddish?
(a) Rabbi Chemelwitz
(b) Roy Cohn
(c) Ethel Rosenberg
(d) Sarah Ironson

15. What does Prior suggest the Principalities do if God ever returns?
(a) Make him apologize
(b) Bar the doors against him
(c) Never let him leave again
(d) Take him to court

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act 5, Scene 4, what word does Harper tell Joe he says a lot?

2. What recent diplomatic event sickens Roy Cohn?

3. What does Joe say he sees when he looks at Harper in Act 4, Scene 7?

4. From what poor, malfunctioning machine do the Principalities get their news?

5. In Act 5, Scene 7, who is Roy Cohn representing in the afterlife?

(see the answer keys)

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