Angels in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angels in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not something Prior keeps in his bed to ward off spirits in Act 3, Scene 6?
(a) A crucifix
(b) A mirror
(c) Garlic
(d) A wooden stake

2. Where is the apartment where Hannah arrives?
(a) Queens
(b) Brooklyn
(c) The Bronx
(d) Manhattan

3. Where does Harper think she heard the man with the knife in Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) In the shower
(b) On the fire escape
(c) In bed
(d) In the closet

4. What is the title of the paperback novel that Belize quotes in Act 3, Scene 2?
(a) Cold Hands of the Morning
(b) Love's Breath in the Wind
(c) Silence of Ragged Plains
(d) In Love with the Night Mysterious

5. What bible story does Louis ask Joe to tell him in Act 3, Scene 7?
(a) The story of Saul's conversion
(b) The story of Lazarus
(c) The story of Jacob and the Angel
(d) The story of Jacob and Isaac

6. Where in his apartment is Prior at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) In the bath tub
(b) On the sofa
(c) In the bed
(d) On the floor

7. What revelation does Prior make to Harper in their shared dream state?
(a) The world is ending
(b) She is pregnant
(c) Her husband is gay
(d) She will ahve to go to Washington

8. According to Aleksii in Act 1, Scene 1, what must the human race have in order to move forward?
(a) Hope
(b) Tenacity
(c) Desire for Change
(d) Theory

9. in what famous English record is one of Prior Walter's ancestors featured?
(a) Bede's Ecclesiastical History
(b) The Domesday Book
(c) Hobein's Ambassadors
(d) The Bayeux Tapestry

10. Why does Sister Ella Chapter come to Hannah's house in Act 2, Chapter 10?
(a) To sell the house
(b) To borrow her car
(c) To help her pack
(d) To have lunch

11. Which of the following is not an historical figure Roy considers a father figure?
(a) Walter Winchell
(b) Joe McCarthy
(c) J. Edgar Hoover
(d) Richard Helms

12. Which of the following is not an ingredient Belize suspects was used in the production of the salve he brings to Prior in Act 2, Scene 5?
(a) Cheap perfume
(b) Kiwi fruit
(c) Beeswax
(d) Jergens lotion

13. What famous instigator does Louis Ironson claim his grandmother saw speak?
(a) Joe Hill
(b) John Reed
(c) Emma Goldman
(d) Leon Trotsky

14. Where is the pay phone that Joe uses to call his mother in Act 2, Scene 8?
(a) Penn Station
(b) Chambers Street
(c) East 57th Street
(d) Central Park

15. What does Joe blame for Harper's pills in Act 2, Scene 4?
(a) Her abusive father
(b) Her loneliness
(c) Her never having a job
(d) Her addictive personality

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Prior whenever he hears the celestial voice?

2. Which of the following is not a symptom that Prior lists off to Louis in Act 1, Scene 8?

3. To what does Harper joke she will give birth in Act 2, Scene 2?

4. Of what Bible story was the picture that obsessed Joe at a young age?

5. According to Rabbi Chemelwitz, what do Jews believe in concerning sin?

(see the answer keys)

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