Angels in America Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angels in America Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Angels in America Lesson Plans

Part 1: Act 1, Scene 1 | Part 1: Act 1, Scene 2 | Part 1: Act 1, Scene 3

• Rabbi Chemelwitz speaks about the old migration to America at Sarah Ironson's funeral.

• Roy Cohn offers Joe Pitt a job with the Justice Department.

• Harper Pitt talks to Mr. Lies about her constant unease with the world.

Part 1: Act 1, Scene 4 | Part 1: Act 1, Scene 5

• Prior tells Louis about his first Karposis Sarcoma lesion.

• Joe and Harper discuss the possibility of moving to Washington DC.

• Louis asks Rabbi Chemelwitz what awaits him in punishment if he leaves Prior.

Part 1: Act 1, Scene 6 | Part 1: Act 1, Scene 7

• Louis and Joe meet each other in the bathroom of the Federal Court of Appeals.

• Prior and and Harper meet each other in a dream/hallucination.

• Prior tells Harper that Joe is gay.

• Prior hears the voice of the Angel for the first time.

Part 1: Act 1, Scene 8 | Part 1: Act 1, Scene 9

• Harper asks Joe is he is gay...

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