Angelfall Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angelfall Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What clothing is the wounded angel wearing as he sleeps on the sofa in the abandoned office building in Chapter 6?
(a) Jeans and a t-shirt.
(b) Boots and pants.
(c) A winter coat and stockings.
(d) A bathrobe.

2. What does Penryn say her mother has stuffed in every pocket of her sweater and jacket as well as in her cart in Chapter 1?
(a) Butter knives.
(b) Tea spoons.
(c) Feathers.
(d) Rotten eggs.

3. The main artery of town in Chapter 2 is described as “El Camino Real” which is translated into English as what, according to Penryn’s Spanish teacher?
(a) "The Angel’s Path."
(b) "The Faithful Road."
(c) "The Royal Path."
(d) "The Hero’s Path."

4. Tweedledee and Tweedledum solicit Penryn to engage in a fight with what woman at the camp in Chapter 19?
(a) Laura.
(b) Anita.
(c) Smith.
(d) Lena.

5. In Chapter 14, Penryn says of Raffe, “As the old joke goes, he doesn’t need to outrun the bear, he just needs to” what?
(a) "Kill the bear."
(b) "Run fast."
(c) "Outrun me."
(d) "Get out of the way."

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 16, Penryn narrates, “I've been casually trying to collect information on the angels just in case it might come in handy. The hope of an organized resistance, though, went up in smoke along with” what cities?

2. What happens to Paige’s wheelchair, forcing Penryn to leave it behind in Chapter 13?

3. Where does Penryn hide her pack and the angel wings as she watches the men take Raffe into the camp in Chapter 15?

4. Penryn says in Chapter 1 that her favorite boots used to be her favorites because she once got a compliment from whom about the look of the leather strips on the sides?

5. What phrase does Penryn decide is an oxymoron as she fights the wingless angel in Chapter 8?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Penryn learn about angel swords in Chapter 11?

2. What do Penryn and her mother carry downstairs from their condo in Chapter 1? What is their plan for traveling?

3. What does Penryn do after Paige is abducted in Chapter 5? What does Paige say about the angel parts?

4. What does Obadiah tell Penryn and Raffe about the resistance movement in Chapter 18?

5. What conversation takes place between Penryn and the wounded angel in Chapter 6?

6. How is the outdoor setting described in Chapter 2? What objects fall from the sky in this chapter?

7. Where does Penryn take the wounded angel in Chapter 6? How is this setting described?

8. What does Obadiah West say the resistance’s objective is in attacking the angels in Chapter 17?

9. How does Obadiah explain the reaction of the soldiers during Penryn’s fight with Boden in Chapter 19?

10. What does Penryn learn about the wounded angel in Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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