Angela's Ashes Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angela's Ashes Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following items does Frank take from Mrs. Finucane?
(a) Her fur coat.
(b) Her bag of potatoes.
(c) Her sherry.
(d) Her new candlesticks.

2. Why does Mrs. O'Riordan write a note to Angela about Frank?
(a) He has been stealing books.
(b) She is impressed with his reading.
(c) He has been misbehaving at school.
(d) Frank wants to skip a grade level.

3. How does Frank feed himself at Pat Sheehan's?
(a) He gets a job selling books.
(b) He steals food.
(c) He gets the food from Angela.
(d) He borrows money from Margaret.

4. In Chapter 13, where does Frank plan to work when he turns fourteen?
(a) At the pub.
(b) In the library.
(c) At the post office.
(d) For Mrs. O'Connell.

5. Where does Aunt Aggie take Frank before he officially begins work at the Post Office?
(a) She takes him to meet his boss.
(b) She takes him to the pub for a drink.
(c) She buys him new clothes.
(d) She takes him on the postal route so he can see where he is going.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Malachy run away to in Chapter 10?

2. How would Angela feel about Frank's work for Mrs. Finucane?

3. Why does Angela want Frank to quit his job in Chapter 11?

4. What does Malachy's letter say to Angela in Chapter 12?

5. When does Pa Keating feed the children in Chapter 10?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 15, Agnes buys Frank new clothes. Why is this so surprising? Why do you think she does it?

2. In Chapter 13, the reader sees just how strained the relationship between Frank and Laman has become. Why do you think their relationship is the way it is?

3. Why do you think Angela is so disappointed in Frank in Chapter 17 when he has his first legal drink?

4. Why do you think Frank attempts to baptize Mrs. Harrington in Chapter 16?

5. Young Malachy leaves Agnes's home and hides at the house on Roden Lane. Why does he run away, and what does this tell you about Malachy's character?

6. Why is Frank's job with John Hannon in Chapter 11 a mixed blessing?

7. Frank says very little about his grandmother's death. Why do you think this is?

8. Why is Frank hesitant to tell Angela about his job for Mrs. Finucane in Chapter 16?

9. Describe the circumstances under which Angela and her family are evicted.

10. How does the time Frank spends in the library in Chapter 14 reading a predictor of his future profession?

(see the answer keys)

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