Angela's Ashes Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angela's Ashes Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the poem Angela shares with Bridey, "The Man From the North," about?
(a) Angela's happiness with Malachy.
(b) Job opportunities up north.
(c) Angela's uncles in northern Ireland.
(d) Frank's grandfather.

2. What does Frank confess at his first confession?
(a) He was disrespectful to his mother.
(b) He was thinking dirty thoughts about girls.
(c) He was drinking in the alley after school.
(d) He was listening to dirty stories.

3. What is Paddy's dream?
(a) To run away to India.
(b) To start his own business in America.
(c) To travel to China and adopt children.
(d) To become a doctor.

4. Mikey tells Frank that the best part of the first communion is the collection. What is the collection?
(a) The money collected from the church members to feed the families.
(b) When neighbors give sweets and money to the children receiving their First Communion.
(c) The money the students collect for the church.
(d) Food collected for the charity.

5. Why do the children at school tease Frank and his brother about their boots?
(a) The boots have holes in them and are falling apart.
(b) The boots are falling off of them because they are too big.
(c) They are wearing girls' boots.
(d) Frank's father has mended them using an old tire.

Short Answer Questions

1. When told there is no work in Ireland, Malachy decides to go to Dublin. Why?

2. While at the hospital, what do the doctor's discover about Frank?

3. After Eugene's death in Chapter 2, why does Frank get angry with his father in the pub?

4. What job does Frank take on for Margaret?

5. What is wrong with Paddy's father in Chapter 6?

(see the answer key)

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