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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Now that Jackson is awake, what does he tell Hall about the baby?
(a) that he was a twin, but the other one died
(b) that he was two months early
(c) that he was sick last week
(d) baby Jamie cries constantly
2. Why does Hall think the baby's survival and the birds' survival are related?
(a) they both have big mouths
(b) they are both hungry all the time
(c) their rapid breathing
(d) they have small bodies
3. What have these home remedies done to Jackson?
(a) created acidosis, or excess acidity in the body
(b) made him a drug addict
(c) made him insane
(d) has aged him before his time
4. When Burton is still alive, but breathing fast from fear what does Hall do?
(a) Hall returns to his lab and stares at Peter Jackson through the glass
(b) he tells Stone he's going to the men's room
(c) he leaves to go check on Leavitt
(d) he relaxes a moment and sits down
5. How many ligamine darts hits Hall before he gets to level 4?
(a) six
(b) three
(c) one
(d) two
Short Answer Questions
1. Why isn't normal food available at the lab?
2. While dealing with Burton, Hall and Stone hear another emergency announcement by the computer. It is:
3. What does Stone do when they find the message?
4. What do they do when they realize a nuclear detonation in Piedmont will provide Andromeda with a limitless supply of energy?
5. What does the answering service supervisor tell Hall when he keeps pushing the red button by his bed?
Short Essay Questions
1. How did Andromeda infect the town of Piedmont?
2. Describe the crash scene of the military jet to which Major Manchek travels . What does it look like? What does he find?
3. What does Hall realize about Andromeda when thinking about Jackson's acidosis?
4. In the conference room in Chapter 12, Dr. Stone talks about a man named Rudolph Karp. Who is Karp? Why does Stone discuss him?
5. Leavitt has a dream about a house. When he wakens he believes it has an answer to Andromeda. Describe the dream and his thoughts and reactions to the dream.
6. What did Manchek find about the wreck of the plane?
7. As Stone and Hall figure out the Ph situation, the warning bells go off. Why?
8. Describe the first exploration of the satellite. What did the men do? What did they find?
9. How did the Scoop satellite end up on earth? What do the scientist think?
10. What do you think Montaigne meant by the quote "Men under stress are fools, and fool themselves." in relationship to the behavior of the men at Wildfire?
This section contains 1,493 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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