The Andromeda Strain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Andromeda Strain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Burton's tests reveal that clotting begins in the lungs then progresses to the brain. What does that mean to him?
(a) that the brain is not that vulnerable to the disease
(b) that the disease does't clog the arteries
(c) that eveyone suffucated before they died
(d) the disease must be inhaled

2. What will Hall wear to examine the two survivors of Piedmont?
(a) latex gloves and surgical mask
(b) his level 5 coveralls
(c) an astronaut's suit
(d) a full body glove

3. Why does an electron microscope work better than any other type of scope?
(a) it has a bigger lens
(b) it uses electric current across the lens
(c) it uses lasers to shine on the subject
(d) it uses magnetic fields rather than light rays to view and enlarge objects

4. What happens when Burton gives some live rats anti-coagulant to prevent blood clotting then exposes them?
(a) they lay down and go to sleep
(b) they bleed out of their noses
(c) they don't die when exposed to the disease
(d) the rats live longer, but still succumb to the disease

5. Who wakes Mark Hall up his first morning at the Wildfire lab?
(a) a seductive, female voice
(b) Dr. Stone calls him on the phone
(c) a maid comes in to clean the room
(d) an alarm clock he set the previous night

Short Answer Questions

1. Too whom does the female voice on the intercom belong?

2. What does Jackson say to Hall when Hall wakes him?

3. Now that Jackson is awake, what does he tell Hall about the baby?

4. What's the first test Burton does on the two dead lab animals?

5. On what former scientific belief did Leavitt base his rule of 48?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Dr. Hall's first meeting with Peter Jackson. What does Jackson look like? What does Hall do?

2. How did the Scoop satellite end up on earth? What do the scientist think?

3. How does Hall finally find out about Leavitt's epilepsy and what does he do about it?

4. How did Andromeda infect the town of Piedmont?

5. What do the x-ray crystallography results show about Andromeda?

6. The scientist are not bad men. It would be easy to see them that way. How does the narrator see them? Or the reader?

7. What did Manchek find about the wreck of the plane?

8. Describe the first exploration of the satellite. What did the men do? What did they find?

9. In the conference room in Chapter 12, Dr. Stone talks about a man named Rudolph Karp. Who is Karp? Why does Stone discuss him?

10. Describe the study Leavitt uses as the basis for his rule of 48.

(see the answer keys)

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