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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. While dealing with Burton, Hall and Stone hear another emergency announcement by the computer. It is:
(a) Andromeda is now in level 1
(b) a nuclear bomb was dropped on Piedmont
(c) Leavitt is having another seizure
(d) The gasket seals in three other sections have failed
2. Who wakes Mark Hall up his first morning at the Wildfire lab?
(a) an alarm clock he set the previous night
(b) a seductive, female voice
(c) a maid comes in to clean the room
(d) Dr. Stone calls him on the phone
3. Why is the center core protected?
(a) to bar people from being in it
(b) so terrorist can't get through it
(c) so a large bacteria can't float through it
(d) to prevent potentially contaminated lab animals from escaping
4. What happens when Hall runs to the door?
(a) it's too late; he is sealed in, away from the substations
(b) he slips, falls and breaks his ankle
(c) he gets out and runs to the substation down the hall
(d) he gets his arm caught in the sliding door
5. What does Hall think made Jackson survive Andromeda?
(a) Andromeda doesn't like asprin
(b) his bleeding ulcer made it too hard for the blood to coagulate
(c) excessive acid in the bloodstream might prevent Andromeda from growing
(d) he's a mean, old man
6. What does Hall find out about Andromeda from the Ph level report?
(a) Andromeda has no reaction to any pH level
(b) Andromeda grows within a narrow range of pH
(c) Andromeda likes all pH levels but 7.1
(d) Andromeda can grow in most pH levels
7. When the seal has been broken in the Autopsy room, who is in there?
(a) Dr. Leavitt
(b) Dr. Stone
(c) Dr. Burton
(d) Mark Hall
8. Why does Stone feel they have plenty of time to solve the mystery of the satellite's contamination?
(a) it's only been a couple days
(b) nothing bad has happened so far
(c) the President said to take their time
(d) with Piedmont nuked there is no danger to the outside
9. There is another way for Hall to reach a substation. What is it?
(a) taking an elevator to level 4
(b) climbing to another level through the central core
(c) going through the ventilation shafts
(d) going up the outside of the lab
10. For what reason do the men decide some of the Piedmont people seemed to have committed suicide?
(a) brain hemorrhages are capable of causing insanity as well as death
(b) they were too afraid to die of Andromeda
(c) Andromeda told them to do it
(d) they couldn't stand seeing all their family and friends dead
11. What does Stone do to help Burton in the autopsy room when he's been exposed to Andromeda?
(a) nothing, he doesn't know what to do
(b) pumping oxygen into the room to inhibit the spread of Andromeda
(c) spraying the room with bleach
(d) coating the walls with antibiotics
12. What happens as the men stare at the green substance attached to the meteor?
(a) it starts to hum
(b) it turns purple and grows right before their eyes
(c) it grows smaller
(d) it begins to emit light in a pattern
13. What seems to produce the best growth in Andromeda?
(a) any type of energy causes it to grow well
(b) saline solution
(c) pure oxygen
(d) chocolate ice cream
14. Burton's tests reveal that clotting begins in the lungs then progresses to the brain. What does that mean to him?
(a) the disease must be inhaled
(b) that the brain is not that vulnerable to the disease
(c) that the disease does't clog the arteries
(d) that eveyone suffucated before they died
15. What does Stone see when he turns on the scope?
(a) a perfect six-sided hexagon, interlocked with other equally perfect hexagons on each side
(b) a long, stringy virus
(c) a molecue in the shape of a triangle
(d) a densely packed blob with no real edges
Short Answer Questions
1. What does the team decide Hall has to find out?
2. What does Hall think about Burton's fear?
3. What does Hall do at the computer when he is in the room with his patients?
4. What does Jackson say to Hall when Hall wakes him?
5. What type of waste products did Andromeda produce?
This section contains 789 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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