The Andromeda Strain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Andromeda Strain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Burton is still alive, but breathing fast from fear what does Hall do?
(a) he relaxes a moment and sits down
(b) he tells Stone he's going to the men's room
(c) he leaves to go check on Leavitt
(d) Hall returns to his lab and stares at Peter Jackson through the glass

2. In communications, why does Captain Morris check for computer malfunctions?
(a) it's time for him to go off shift
(b) he's just doing his job
(c) he's suspicious, because the bell has not rung for some time to signal an incoming communication
(d) he thought he heard the bell ring

3. When the seal has been broken in the Autopsy room, who is in there?
(a) Dr. Burton
(b) Dr. Leavitt
(c) Mark Hall
(d) Dr. Stone

4. What bothers Hall about the substations that will turn off a self-destruct?
(a) they're painted red
(b) they're spaced too close together
(c) that he could be sealed off in a section without a substation
(d) it takes too much time to insert the key

5. What does the Wildfire group eat for breakfast?
(a) a glass of dark brown juice, which tastes like orange juice
(b) a large pill which is all the nutrients they need
(c) oatmeal with honey
(d) eggs, toast and bacon

6. How is the center core protected, level to level?
(a) with guard dogs
(b) sensors track movement in the core, and shoot ligamine darts at any moving target
(c) with laser beams
(d) with electrical shocks

7. What does Hall do as he finishes turning his key in the level 4 substation?
(a) he grabs a nurse and kisses her
(b) he jumps up and down and sings
(c) he calmly returns to level 5
(d) he slides down the wall unconscious

8. What does the spectrometer show about the composition of the Andromeda strain?
(a) it is not alive
(b) it's radioactive
(c) it has carbon and silicon in it
(d) it resembles earthly organic life

9. Why isn't normal food available at the lab?
(a) it might provide a growth medium for bacteria
(b) cooks aren't allowed on level 4 or 5
(c) it cost more than the nutrient drink
(d) there's too many people to figure out what to cook

10. What happens when Robertson informs them of the Phantom crash team's discovery of the depolymerized polymer and the fleshless bone?
(a) they ignore it as being irrelevant
(b) they send flowers to the pilot's wife
(c) they have an hour discussion about what might have happened
(d) they immediately download the information

11. What is Leavitt's rule of "48"?
(a) there's 48 types of mistakes in any problem
(b) all scientists are obsessed with their work
(c) all scientists are blind
(d) there's 48 ways to do anything

12. Why is the center core protected?
(a) to prevent potentially contaminated lab animals from escaping
(b) so a large bacteria can't float through it
(c) to bar people from being in it
(d) so terrorist can't get through it

13. While dealing with Burton, Hall and Stone hear another emergency announcement by the computer. It is:
(a) Andromeda is now in level 1
(b) Leavitt is having another seizure
(c) a nuclear bomb was dropped on Piedmont
(d) The gasket seals in three other sections have failed

14. What did Stone and Leavitt find in the satellite?
(a) a message written in Greek
(b) nothing
(c) a piece of a missle
(d) a meteror rock with a green substance growing on it

15. What happens to the men's attitude now that they know directive 7-12 was not invoked?
(a) they're relieved
(b) they're happy
(c) they are confident
(d) they're under extreme pressure

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the laboratories and equipment rooms that they will be using on level 5?

2. What does Hall do at the computer when he is in the room with his patients?

3. If one cell of E. coli could produce a supercolony equal in size and weight to the planet, why doesn't that happen?

4. What does Burton's tests determine about the dead bodies?

5. What message have the men received without their knowledge, that they find by accident?

(see the answer keys)

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