The Andromeda Strain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Andromeda Strain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lt. Shawn do as he approaches Piedmont?
(a) pulls on a biological agent suit
(b) turns off his headlights so no one can see him
(c) stops and tells Private Crane to get out and wait for him on the hill
(d) leaves his radio on after calling in

2. What does Hall do about his appointment to Wildfire?
(a) nothing, he has never taken his commitment to Wildfire seriously
(b) he asks for all the information so he can keep abreast of new developments
(c) he demands more money than the government is offering
(d) he demands to appoint a friend of his to the project

3. What did Merrick theorize?
(a) that alien species would contact earth
(b) the first alien species encountered by man would be a bacterium
(c) that alien species could not exist
(d) that alien species would be hostile

4. On the way to Wildfire, what does Dr. Leavitt tell Dr. Hall to do?
(a) take Leavitt's blood pressure
(b) make out his will
(c) call his mother and tell her where he is
(d) to read the project file before arriving at Wildfire

5. What does Jagger conclude about the white spots, based on the temperature?
(a) it's quite cold in Piedmont right now
(b) Crane and Shawn might still be alive
(c) forty-seven of the bodies are definitely dead
(d) it's very hot in Piedmont right now

6. What is the population of Piedmont, Arizona?
(a) 48
(b) 2033
(c) 100
(d) 15

7. What is Lt. Shawn looking at with a pair of binoculars at the start of the book?
(a) two purple vans with peace symbols
(b) a couple of bears
(c) the town of Piedmont, Arizona
(d) his brother's backyard

8. How does Manchek contact Wildfire?
(a) he has to call the White House
(b) he has to call his superior officer
(c) he has been given a business card with a contact number
(d) his contact is in the next building on the base

9. What does Stone say the government should do about the possibility of alien bacteria?
(a) the government should construct a laboratory equipped to handle dangerous alien bacteria
(b) they shouldn't do anything unless it happens
(c) they should offer a grant to Stone to look at the question
(d) they should sit up a comittee and study the question

10. What does Major Arthur Manchek order when he hears of the radio silence at Piedmont?
(a) he orders a Scavenger plane to make a flyby over Piedmont
(b) he orders Lt. Comcoe to send a message to Crane on a secret channel
(c) he orders a helicopter to Piedmont
(d) he orders a national guard unit into Piedmont

11. Why was Hall, a surgeon, chosen for the team?
(a) because he had a great personality
(b) because they needed one medical doctor
(c) because they needed one scientist who wasn't married
(d) officials who believe in The Odd Man Hypothesis wanted him

12. What kind of theory did noted scholar, Alfred Pockran, have about national crises?
(a) crisis always have a beginning and end
(b) crisis are created by politicians for good ratings
(c) crises are created by the individual men involved in the events
(d) crisis are created by enemies of the nation

13. What does Dr. Stone tell his wife as he leaves?
(a) that he will be gone for an indefinite number of weeks
(b) that there must be some mistake, he'll go clear it up
(c) that it's an emergency epidemic and to pack her bag
(d) that he'd see her tomorrow

14. What does Mark Hall learn about the Wildfire lab as he's reading the last of the file?
(a) that it has fifteen rooms on each floor
(b) that it's located in a mountain near Denver
(c) that it was made to look like a little town
(d) the facility is equipped with a nuclear self-destruct device

15. What is Dr. Burton's specialty ?
(a) he studies the effects of sunlight on viruses
(b) studying the effects of bacteria on human tissues
(c) he's an expert on zero gravity effect on growth of plants
(d) he experiments with human DNA

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Burton and Stone's working hypothesis about the killer in Piedmont?

2. How does Leavitt feel about Wildfire?

3. What concerned Merrick about alien encounters?

4. What does the Department of Defense do about Stone's proposal?

5. What does Jagger show Manchek on a conference call?

(see the answer keys)

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