The Andromeda Strain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Andromeda Strain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do they see in the sky over Piedmont?
(a) large black birds flying in a circular pattern
(b) a radio blaring rock music
(c) a couple of teenagers breaking into a store
(d) two cats fighting on a fence

2. In Delta sector on Level I, a man sits before a giant communications console. What is his job?
(a) to monitor all incoming communications and inform the Wildfire team of any important developments
(b) to take messages from the men's families
(c) to make sure no unauthorized person enters
(d) to hit the emergency button if a virus gets out

3. Who do they find alive in the town?
(a) a German shepard and a canary
(b) the man in a white robe and a crying infant
(c) no one
(d) two children hiding under a porch

4. What did English biophysicist, J.J. Merrick, discuss at a biological symposium?
(a) whether biology was a science worth pursuing
(b) the probabilities of first contact with an alien species
(c) whether humans should go into space
(d) the improbability of life in space

5. What does Mark Hall learn about the Wildfire lab as he's reading the last of the file?
(a) that it has fifteen rooms on each floor
(b) the facility is equipped with a nuclear self-destruct device
(c) that it was made to look like a little town
(d) that it's located in a mountain near Denver

6. What does the narrator say the nature of all national crises prior to the scientific boom was?
(a) all national crises were economical in nature
(b) all national crises were medical in nature
(c) all national crises were educational in nature
(d) all national crises were political in nature

7. What is Lt. Shawn looking at with a pair of binoculars at the start of the book?
(a) two purple vans with peace symbols
(b) his brother's backyard
(c) the town of Piedmont, Arizona
(d) a couple of bears

8. When Dr. Stone hears of Merrick's theory what does he do?
(a) acts as an advocate for research into this possibility
(b) he laughs at them
(c) he thinks there's nothing that can be done about it
(d) he thinks Merrick should be fired from his position

9. What did Merrick theorize?
(a) that alien species would contact earth
(b) that alien species would be hostile
(c) that alien species could not exist
(d) the first alien species encountered by man would be a bacterium

10. What doesn't the government tell Stone about Scoop?
(a) it has brought back other samples of alien life
(b) it is not under the control of Congress
(c) that a friend of his died from an alien virus a different Scoop brought back
(d) it's an attempt to engage in germ warfare by the U.S. military

11. What does their nighttime surveillance reveal?
(a) all the houses are lit up
(b) a pack of dogs are barking at a door
(c) no activity in the town
(d) a big town party in the center of town

12. How does Burton appear to Stone?
(a) a young football player
(b) a sharp dresser and compulsive individual
(c) an absent-minded professor with sloppy clothes and untidy hair
(d) a monk in brown robes

13. What is the first response to Mancheck's call to Wildfire?
(a) to call each scientist on the list
(b) a top-secret cable is issued informing other military units
(c) to shut down the electricity around Piedmont
(d) to call the White House

14. What kind of theory did noted scholar, Alfred Pockran, have about national crises?
(a) crises are created by the individual men involved in the events
(b) crisis are created by enemies of the nation
(c) crisis always have a beginning and end
(d) crisis are created by politicians for good ratings

15. Why are the private and lieutenant looking for the Scoop satellite?
(a) they're curious about what it looks like
(b) it is their mission to recover it
(c) they're supposed to destroy it
(d) they want to sell it to another country

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say about the men of Wildfire that will affect the outcome of the work?

2. How does the President respond to Stone's request for a directive 7-12?

3. What is Caper One?

4. What does Jagger conclude about the white spots, based on the temperature?

5. Dr. Stone heads to Piedmont with another scientist. Who is he?

(see the answer keys)

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