Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the police department's senior bounty hunter?
(a) William Holden
(b) Deckard
(c) Dave Holden
(d) Frank Butcher

2. What is Luft's first name?
(a) Luna
(b) Luba
(c) Lucky
(d) Lovely

3. What is the radioactive dust a result of?
(a) Carbon monoxide
(b) The burning of androids
(c) World War Terminus
(d) Acid rain

4. What is Polokov pretending to be?
(a) A professor
(b) A comedian
(c) A woman
(d) A special

5. Which company makes the Nexus 6?
(a) San Francisco Police Department
(b) Rosen Corporation
(c) Mercer Corporation
(d) MacDonalds

6. What kind of test is used to discover an android?
(a) Spelling test
(b) IQ test
(c) Sympathy test
(d) Empathy test

7. What is the television program promoting?
(a) Buster Friendly
(b) Emigration to Mars
(c) Androids
(d) Life on Earth

8. What is the name of the police officer who interrogates Deckard?
(a) Garland
(b) Franks
(c) Bryant
(d) Crams

9. Who phones the owner to inform them their cat is dead?
(a) Hannibal Sloat
(b) Buster Friendly
(c) Milt Borogrove
(d) John Isidore

10. What does Borogrove ask the woman on the phone?
(a) If she knew the cat was real
(b) If she wants a dog
(c) If she wants him to inform her husband of their cat's death
(d) If she has enough money to pay for the repairs

11. What has happened to Bill Barbour's horse?
(a) It has been selected to run in the world horse trials
(b) It is allergic to hay
(c) It has contracted a disease
(d) It is pregnant

12. What does Eldon ask Deckard to do?
(a) Take Rachel for dinner
(b) Falsify the test result
(c) Retire Rachel
(d) Work for his company

13. Whose climbing experience does Isidore share?
(a) Wilbur Mercer
(b) Iran
(c) Deckard
(d) Buster Friendly

14. What does Rosen say was happening while Rick was conducting the test?
(a) He was being filmed
(b) He secured the building and he cannot get out
(c) A war started between the androids and the humans
(d) The president was assassinated

15. What is the name of Rick's wife?
(a) Iran
(b) Lucy
(c) Rachel
(d) Iraq

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Deckard think it is important to have in a post nuclear society?

2. Why does Rachel phone Deckard?

3. Who is the first person to meet Rick in Seattle?

4. What kind of animal does Resch own?

5. Where does Rick realize he is?

(see the answer keys)

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