--and Ladies of the Club Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

--and Ladies of the Club Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who, supposedly, is the person who wants to move to Waynesboro in "1886-1887"?
(a) The niece of the Presbyterian minister.
(b) The wife of John's cousin.
(c) The nephew of the Baptist minister.
(d) A prostitute from another town.

2. Amid the financial worries in the chapter titled "1895-1896," what is there talk of establishing?
(a) Better drinking water supply.
(b) A public school.
(c) A soup kitchen.
(d) A new hospital.

3. Who is elected as club president to fill the resignation in the chapter titled "1916-1924"?
(a) Louisa.
(b) Elsa.
(c) Anne.
(d) Sally.

4. Why do the parents of the child who stops by Anne's house after school want the child to stop?
(a) So she won't make too much noise at Anne's house.
(b) Because Anne needs a lot of rest.
(c) So she won't be alone with Anne when she dies.
(d) So he won't be accused of causing Anne's death.

5. In the chapter titled "1894-1895," who breaks a rib?
(a) Rebecca.
(b) Anne.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Lavinia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the outbreak on everyone's mind in the chapter titled "1895-1896"?

2. In the chapter titled "1909," who remarries someone who won't demand any of the marital bed "business?"

3. In the chapter titled "1887-1888," what is the name of the boy who is becoming known as a bully?

4. In the chapter titled "1895-1896," which club member withdraws from most of her friends?

5. In the chapter titled "1887-1888," whose son is becoming known as a bully?

Short Essay Questions

1. After the death of her husband, what are Mrs. Ballard's thoughts on mourning?

2. How does Sally deal with becoming more crippled with arthritis?

3. In the chapter titled "1892," what does Sheldon fear regarding his youngest child?

4. What does Anne ask her servant to help do that causes Tucker to fuss? How does Anne respond to Tucker?

5. Explain the circumstances that lead to John's death. How does he die?

6. Explain the situation that drives Christina's son Blair away from Waynesboro.

7. Explain the situation that leads to Ludwig's death.

8. How does Amanda feel when Arianna runs away from home?

9. At first, Anne suspected Jessamine's son was fathered by John. Then she realized the date of John's trip and the birth of Jessamine's son were not connected. What does Anne learn when Jessamine moves to Waynesboro?

10. Who does Sally, on her deathbed, send for and why?

(see the answer keys)

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