Anatomy of a Scandal Test | Final Test - Easy

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Anatomy of a Scandal Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kate have to drink before she sees Ali on April 27?
(a) Chardonnay.
(b) Bordeaux.
(c) Sancerre.
(d) Chianti.

2. In Chapter 16, what reporter is at the trial from the Chronicle?
(a) Charles Phillips.
(b) Bob Andrews.
(c) Jim Stephens.
(d) Dick Wilson.

3. In Chapter 27, where will the murder trial take place later in the year that Brian calls Kate about?
(a) Norwich.
(b) Plymouth.
(c) Sandringham.
(d) Birmingham.

4. In Chapter 16 after Olivia's testimony about what happened in the lift, how long does the judge suggest they adjourn?
(a) 15 minutes.
(b) 30 minutes.
(c) 45 minutes.
(d) 20 minutes.

5. In Chapter 27, how long does Kate say that the trial has lasted?
(a) About 2 weeks.
(b) Over a week.
(c) 6 days.
(d) 8 days.

6. What is the name of Emily's special tooth fairy?
(a) Penelope.
(b) Tabitha.
(c) Dorcas.
(d) Marielle.

7. On April 26, how many other times has Sophie seen James as rattled as he is on that morning?
(a) 2.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 4.

8. On April 27, how much time does the judge tell the jury they will have off from the Whitehouse case?
(a) 2 hours.
(b) 1 hour.
(c) 3 hours.
(d) The afternoon.

9. In Chapter 28, how long has it been since James received a text from Tom?
(a) 8 months.
(b) Since he was charged.
(c) Since the trial started.
(d) 6 months.

10. How many shirts has Sophie had dry-cleaned for James in Chapter 25?
(a) 7.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 6.

11. On April 26, who tries to ask Sophie a question before she and James go into the courtroom?
(a) A young woman in a business suit.
(b) A distinguished looking man with grey hair.
(c) A middle-aged man in a trench coat.
(d) A young woman in a trench coat.

12. Where does Sophie go to cry after arguing with James in Chapter 28?
(a) Downstairs cloakroom.
(b) The car.
(c) Their bedroom.
(d) The upstairs cloakroom.

13. In the murder trial Brian calls Kate about in Chapter 27, how long ago was the defendant repeatedly abused as a child by the man she killed?
(a) 30 years.
(b) 10 years.
(c) 5 years.
(d) 20 years.

14. What type of paneling is in a Commons elevator?
(a) Steel.
(b) Walnut.
(c) Cherry.
(d) Oak.

15. In Chapter 19, what can Holly smell on James' breath when he runs into her?
(a) Whisky.
(b) Wine.
(c) Beer.
(d) Champagne.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do James' parents have their home, Woodlands?

2. How late does Sophie remember that James would make love to her at Oxford?

3. In Chapter 28 after the children are in bed, what does James open to celebrate with Sophie?

4. What is the name of the maitre d' of the Cock restaurant in Chapter 17?

5. In Chapter 17, what beverage have James and his companions been drinking most of the night?

(see the answer keys)

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